Explore the story of Jesus walking on water

RTU All-age service

Explores the story of Jesus walking on water (Matthew 14:22-36).


RTU Parable

Takes the story of Peter declaring that Jesus is the Messiah and transposes it into a fast-food chicken joint, in the story called ‘Imran and the implied identity’.


RTU Craft 

Provides a craft idea to go alongside each of this month’s Together sessions. Use them in your groups, in intergenerational worship or in a craft club.


RTU Games

Lots of ideas for games to use outside, now that spring has well and truly sprung. Though they can be played indoors if the weather does its unpredictable best.


RTU Mentoring 

Our mentoring expert, Joel Toombs, gives us guidelines for helping our mentees find the sweet spot of success.


RTU Music 

On the turntable this month (we’re nothing if not up to date with our music technology) is ‘Good tonight’ by Daniel Pemberton, taken from The Bad Guys soundtrack.


RTU Movie 

Grab your popcorn and settle down for the latest incarnation of the caped crusader, The Batman. What does the film have to say about the armour of God?


RTU Journal

Gives space for older children and younger teens to explore the story of Jesus feeding 4,000 (Matthew 15:29-39) and discover the impact of this story on their lives. 


Supporting documents

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