ACTION 1: Fix it
Fix something that’s broken instead of chucking it out.
Rather than throwing out something broken things that are broken, get creative and fix it. A pair of jeans with a hole can be stitched up easily, and new material added to give it a new look. If you’re a budding cyclist, learn to fix punctures rather than giving up on the bike. If something is beyond repair, cut it up and use the materials for a project, maybe a card or a photo frame? This gives a unique touch to your gifts or items.
ACTION 2: Go veggie for a day
Eat less meat, go vegetarian for a day.
Meat eaters and vegetarians will continue to debate about which is best. However, although we can bring out our argument that bacon sandwiches are delicious, vegetarians can always quieten us with their argument that vegetarianism is more ethical. The impact on the environment that meat farming has is undeniable. This doesn’t mean we need to give up meat altogether, we could go veggie just for one day. You never know, you may enjoy tucking into a veggie curry!
ACTION 3: Live below the line
Dip your toes into the shoes of the world’s 1 billion hungry and spend just £1 per day on what you eat.
We often associate hunger with skipping the odd meal, or having beans on toast because cooking feels like too much effort. However one eighth of the world’s population goes to bed hungry. Starvation is damaging our population. Experience what it is like to live below the line for just one week, on less than one pound a day.
The Rhythms website and app are a great tool for investing in patterns of ordinary life that help us become the kinds of people that change the world. You can choose from four different Rhythms and spend 30 days investing in small actions to deepen your discipleship and give practical ways of outworking your faith in a God of justice and hope.