All Ready-to-use articles
Ready-to-use: Water Works!
The law of averages is sadly no guarantee that we will have a hot and sunny summer (even though we may feel we’re well over-due!) However on the optimistic basis that we’ve been predicted a ‘BBQ summer’ so many times that we may as well assume one is on its way, here are a collection of water based games, perhaps ideally suited for a themed evening in collaboration with some other local groups. And heck, even if its not sunny or warm, let’s face it, a water fight night is guaranteed to be a load of fun...
Ready-to-use Reflection: Postures
Sometimes the ways we do church worship can make it seem like all that really matters to God is our brains or our hearts. We say prayers
and sing hymns that are full of truth and theology, or we repeat heartfelt choruses, engaging with a range of emotions. Our bodies are sometimes ignored or forgotten about. Yet God made our physical shape as well as our minds and souls, and the Bible is full of references to different postures used in worship. -
Ready-to-use Worship: Multi-sensory Worship
When the apostle John starts his first letter, he begins by establishing that his message is not just a collection of thoughts or an intellectual concept. He describes it as that: ‘Which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched’ (1 John 1:1).
Ready-to-use Movie: Paddington
A young bear from the deepest, darkest part of Peru has grown up with a passion for all things British (and marmalade sandwiches). After a terrible storm destroys his home, he travels to London in search of a new family and a place to live.
Ready-to-use Movie: Pitch Perfect
Somehow, despite the fact that Pitch Perfect is based on a university singing competition, a lot of the movie manages to feel fresh among the
Glee copycat onslaught that we’ve all suffered these past few years. -
Ready-to-use Movie: Prisoners
Prisoners is not the sort of film that you watch to unwind. Prisoners is a tense, moody thriller that slowly reveals it’s darker nature as it heads towards its big reveal.
Ready-to-use Movie: Peaceful Protest?
People love a good protest. In fact, some people will protest anything. You can raise taxes, lower taxes, ban hats, encourage short-wearing or introduce compulsory S Club 7 dance routines to the start of the school day, and someone will complain, start a petition and demand that fellow supporters take to the streets and march on the Houses of Parliament.
Ready-to-use Movie: Monsters University
The original Pixar classic Monsters Inc. claimed (in its very catchy and Oscar-winning song) ‘I wouldn’t have nothing, if I didn’t have you.’
Ready-to-use Schools work: Miracles
To explore what a miracle is and whether Jesus performed any.
Ready-To-Use Mentoring:Role Reversal
This week I went for a walk with a young guy in the Peak District near Sheffield. He grew up in the youth group I used to run and has since moved away, but during the holidays, he made the effort to come up and spend time with me.
Ready-to-use Mentoring: Would you rather?
Mentoring is a game of give and take - it’s offering wisdom and sharing but also probing and nudging your mentee. Try a round of ‘Would you rather?’ to open up discussions. Allow them to ask you some too, because when you are both offering insight it becomes a two-way relationship. Steer the session towards things that may open useful or deeper conversations. Here’s some ideas but do share your best ones with us!