Welcome to Premier NexGen Pro, your hub for all things related to working with children and young people in church or organisational settings. We understand the unique challenges and rewards that come with this responsibility, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

We don’t provide resources for the month of August. Our April resources are available now. 

With our resources we provide material for children of infant, primary and secondary school age, which you can use as is, or adapt for your group.  We work to a three year curriculum and you can see the topics for future months in this school year here. Alternatively you can simply browse the topics and choose the ones you fancy.

In NexGen Pro we hope you benefit from expert advice, shared experiences, and the latest news within the sector. There are even tailored devotionals for your personal spiritual growth.

  • Get yourselves a silent disco headsets – the multi-faceted ministry tool

  • Being a steward of resources for Children’s and Youth Ministry

  • More tools to help the Bible ‘stick’ in your life and those you serve

Faith is spelt: R.I.S.K. and what this has to do with a hamster wheel...

Tim Alford completes a 12 part series looking at leadership disciplines by considering how we lead ‘by faith’

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    4 mindsets for 'staying put'

    Mark Oestreicher suggests that a long youth ministry at the same place could be absolutely the right thing to do

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    If you are changing your Christian outlook, here’s how to go about it!

    Nigel Argall considers how and when to embrace theological change

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    Q&A: Jennifer Kvamme

    Questions surrounding sexuality and gender have become an additional challenge for Christian parents alongside the many other demands of raising children. The narrative and assumptions within education make this especially tough as children grapple with who they are and how their friends choose to identify themselves. Jennifer Kvamme has written, ...


We have a growing range of resources to help you lead sessions with children and youth. We cover sessions across a wide range of ages and we also provide series on relevant topics. 

We don’t provide resources for the month of August. Our April resources are available now. 


Recent News


How to


Is Christian youth work disappearing?


Tim Gough puts our youth work in a historical context and asks: “What’s next?”

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    All together now

    When Jesus looks at your village, town or city he sees just one church. You may be a different expression of that from the one down the road. But Jesus sees you as one. Claire Farley unpacks what this might look like for you in your community

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    How far would you go to attract families to church?

    Rochester Cathedral have installed a crazy golf course in their nave this summer. But should we be using places of worship for activities like this in order to welcome children and families into church?

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    Bishops urge church leaders to prioritise young people

    The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, recently said that he hopes whoever takes over as the new Archbishop when he retires will “see that work with young people is the top priority”. The Bishop of Kensington, Graham Tomlin, seems to agree

Hot topics

In this section you will find help on how to help your children and young people with hot topics like abortion and the enviroment.


Real Life


In this section you will find articles to help you and the children and young people you lead to grow in faith. We have hundreds of articles on topics like the Bible, Devotionals, Heaven and Hell, Theology, Holy Spirit and the Church. 




Five ways to support a sibling


Written by Mark Arnold’s daughter, Phoebe, who shares her experience of growing up as the sibling of someone with additional needs.

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    Becoming the leader your leaders need

    You and I have something in common: we are leaders under authority. In youth and children’s ministry this is almost always the case. We are rarely the final line of authority – we are team players, working with and serving under senior leaders.

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    Managing your church’s hopes and dreams

    Welcome to Toolbox. Helping you lead and manage volunteers and staff. As Christians, we keep time to a different drumbeat than many of the people that walk this planet alongside us. Specifically, we are different because we are open to the spiritual. Not just in a vague way but within a precise, theological framework.

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    Youth workers need Sex Education

    Premier Youth and Children’s Work deputy editor, Emily Howarth, explores what youth workers can learn from the Netflix series

Have you been to our resources page?

We provide weekly activities and content for you to follow or adapt for infant, primary and secondary age children, plus an archive of past resources if you want to create your own curriculum. Many youth and children’s leaders tweak the material as needed. 

NexGen Top menu page headers (9)

Best practice

Practitioners who share their expertise and perspective on how to develop and nurture faith. Click below to find out more about each of our writers. 

just some of our expert content creators (1)