If you’re as lazy as I am, then settle in for some sitting-down games.
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If you’re as lazy as I am, then settle in for some sitting-down games.
2025-02-27T16:53:00Z By Dr Gareth Crispin
Play is a funny thing. Everyone knows intuitively what it is but struggles to define it. It’s fun, but it is also a serious business. We associate it with children but deep-down love it as adults. It comes naturally and yet we seem also to spend a lot of time working at it. Play is a bit of a paradox but before we give up on it lets step back and consider what exactly it is and why it is important.
Our Together resource is, as always, jam-packed full of ideas and activities to help the children and young people in your groups discover more about God, grow in faith and deepen their friendship with Jesus. Together is a curriculum resource for churches to use in their Sunday ...
Our Together resource is, as always, jam-packed full of ideas and activities to help the children and young people in your groups discover more about God, grow in faith and deepen their friendship with Jesus. Together is a curriculum resource for churches to use in their Sunday ...
Our Together resource is, as always, jam-packed full of ideas and activities to help the children and young people in your groups discover more about God, grow in faith and deepen their friendship with Jesus. Together is a curriculum resource for churches to use in their Sunday ...
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