MEETING AIM: To discover that God can be trusted to keep us safe.
BACKGROUND: Hezekiah is king of Judah at the end of the 8th and start of the 7th Century BC. He witnessed the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel at the hands of the Assyrian Empire and had to defend his own kingdom from the Assyrians. King Sennacherib of Assyria invades Judah and taunts Hezekiah that no one will come to his aid, and that the Lord isn’t able to save him from the might of Assyria. Hezekiah turns to God for protection.
Gather the children together and share out any refreshments you have brought with you. Chat together about what has happened this week. What events did they enjoy? Did anything make them sad this week?
Play a game of ‘stick in the mud’. Ask one or two leaders to be ‘on’. They should try and tag the children.
Once they have been caught, the children should stand with their arms outstretched. They can be freed by another child running under their arm.
You will need: three envelopes; three sheets of paper; pen; brown material (hessian or sacks would be ideal, but any kind of brown dressing-up clothes would be suitable)
Before the session, write these three messages on paper:
- “Isaiah, we’re in real trouble. The Assyrians are being horrible! Ask God to help us! King Hezekiah”
- “King Hezekiah, God will keep you safe. He will send the Assyrians away. Isaiah”
- “God can’t keep you safe. I am much more powerful! I will win! King Sennacherib”
Put the three notes into three numbered envelopes and seal them. Explain that Hezekiah is king of God’s people. He has an enemy – a man called Sennacherib.
Help the children say both Hezekiah and Sennacherib. Sennacherib wanted to get rid of Hezekiah and take over God’s people. He invaded the land and boasted to Hezekiah. He told Hezekiah that God couldn’t save him. He said he was the most powerful man in the world! Hezekiah was frightened and sad.
Explain to the children that when people felt sad, they sometimes put on dull clothing, called sackcloth. Dress the children in your sackcloth or dull brown dressing-up clothes. Talk about how this showed that they were sad – they weren’t wearing bright happy clothes.
Say that there was a man in the kingdom called Isaiah. He was a special friend of God. Explain that Hezekiah sent Isaiah a message. Produce your first envelope, get one of the children to open it. Read the message out and ask the children what might happen next.
Produce the second envelope, and explain that Isaiah talked to God and this is what God said. Ask a child to open the envelope. Read the message out and ask the children how Hezekiah might have felt.
Explain that Sennacherib kept on being mean to Hezekiah, and to God. Sennacherib sent Hezekiah a message. Produce the third envelope and ask a child to open it. Read the message and ask who might be the more powerful: God or Sennacherib. Why do the children think that?
Finish by saying that God did keep Hezekiah safe. Sennacherib had to leave, because someone was trying to attack his home. Hezekiah and God’s people were safe!
Ask the children these questions, encouraging everyone to take turns in contributing:
- God kept Hezekiah and his people safe. How do you think they felt?
- Why do you think Sennacherib was mean about Hezekiah and God?
- When do you sometimes feel scared?
- What can you do about it? Who can you ask to help you?
- What does this story tell you about God? And about us?
Be sensitive when discussing feeling safe or in danger. Some children may be in home or family situations where they don’t feel safe. Make sure you follow your safeguarding procedure if you need to.
You will need: art materials
Ask the children to create a picture about what they have discovered today. It could be a scene from the story, something that God has said to them or something that the story has made them think about.
Chat together about the story and how God keeps us safe. Often, when hands are busy then minds are freed up to think more deeply; this activity could be a valuable time to process thoughts and talk. Try to make the most of the opportunity this provides.
You will need: crayons; paper; envelopes Give out sheets of paper and crayons and encourage the children to think about a time when they want God to help them. Perhaps they were worried about something this week, or someone made them sad in the past few days.
Help them to draw or write what they want to say to God about that situation. Put the paper in an envelope.
Even though some situations might seem trivial to us, they can seem important or insurmountable to young children. Try to help them express their feelings.
Keep the envelopes until the next time you meet. Then you can open them and see how God has answered your prayers
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