‘For many people it is easier and better to have drowsy and dull kids who confuse happiness with a sofa.’
‘Dear young people, we didn’t come into the world to vegetate. We came for another reason: to leave a mark.’
‘The times we live in do not call for young couch potatoes but for young people with shoes, or better, boots laced.’
‘Are you looking for empty thrills in life, or do you want to feel a power that can give you a lasting sense of life and fulfilment? Empty thrills or the power of grace?’
‘God loves us the way we are, and no sin, fault or mistake of ours makes him change his mind.’
‘God is not concerned about whether you are stylish or what kind of phone you have, in his eyes, you are precious, and your value is inestimable.’
Jack Regan, who took a group of young pilgrims to World Youth Day and is youth officer for the Catholic Diocese of Arundel and Brighton and founder of CatholicYouthWork.com said, ‘Young Christians need to see that they’re not alone and being in a crowd of three million does that pretty well.’
For more details of the events, check out some of Jack’s blogs at premieryouthwork.com.
10 reasons we want Pope Francis to be our best mate:
- He cares about young people
- He rescues refugees
- He’s a nerd (his first diploma was in chemistry)
- He’s the first Latin American pope
- He rode the tram in his papal garb during World Youth Day
- He speaks in a way we can understand (well, other than the fact it’s not English! )
- He shunned fancy apartments for the more modest guesthouse
- He is super humble
- He was Time Magazine’s person of the year 2013
- He has an actual Popemobile