Soul Survivor church has announced that they will be stopping the annual summer camps including Naturally Super. 2019 will be the last year of muddy wellies and worship.
The decision affects their Naturally Supernatural events and Soul Action programme that currently runs in partnership with Tearfund, giving young people a chance to take part in mission and relief work in South Africa. Their Soul 61 gap year programme will continue.In an open letter available on their website, Mike Pilavachi, who hosts the the event and their church in Watford, said: "We know this will come as a shock to many but we believe that God has spoken and that this is the right time for us to step aside and make space for others to rise up."
The decision was reached unanimously between founder Mike Pilavachi, his co-hosts Ali Martin and Andy Croft, the Soul Survivor leadership team and the board of trustees.
It comes as a shock to all of us who can reminisce on weeks spent in a muddy field. Nicky Gumbel, head of Alpha and Holy Trinity Brompton church, recently described Soul Survivor as: "one of the most remarkable works of God that we’ve seen in our generation. Thousands and thousands of young people come to faith during those weeks. In our theological college [St Mellitus], so many of the people training for ordination came to faith at Soul Survivor."
We would love to get a hashtag trending about this. Why not share your Soul Survivor moments with #Byebyesoulsurvivor.