
Over 100,000 people signed a petition to remove Fury from the BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year shortlist. Their objection to the heavyweight world champion’s nomination were his contentious remarks on gender and sexuality. Donald Trump also caused a furore with his provocative statements on religion, race and identity, which have, for the most part been said from a Republican Party platform. If you feel that it’s appropriate, share some of their comments. Discuss:

  • Do the positions of the two men make a difference? Is it worse for a potential future president to be saying these things than a boxer?
  • Does background inform opinion (eg Fury’s traveller roots)? Does that excuse offensive comments?
  • Would you be more shocked if your teacher said something controversial than a shopkeeper? If so, why?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.’ Ask your youth what they think of this statement.

  • Should everyone be allowed to think what they want? Say what they want? Do what they want?

Ask whether your young people agree with journalist Dominic Lawson’s comment (written about Tyson Fury), ‘Freedom of speech means the freedom to offend those of a different view.’ Ask the group to think about the pros and cons of freedom of speech. Would they encourage policing comments that offend a particular group of people?

Read Mark 12:30 and ask:

  • Are we honouring God if we say whatever we want / whenever we want?
  • Are we hurting those around us if we don’t filter what we say?

Share some words of Jesus (and Paul) that would have offended people at the time and continue to do so today.Discuss whether controversy is always a bad thing.

  • Does controversy help people to think in new ways?
  • Does it challenge preconceptions?
  • Does it help clarify people’s own opinions?

End by asking what parts of the Christian faith are controversial or offensive in today’s culture. Discuss how Christians can balance truth with love.