
FOCUS ON: Eritrea



Ranked ninth in the Open Doors World Watch List (ranking the 50 countries where persecution is most severe).

MAIN RELIGION: Islam / Christianity

SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Dictatorial paranoia / Islamic extremism

The so-called ‘People’s front for democracy and justice’ exerts absolute control over its citizens’ including their religious life. Christians are considered a danger to the state. The government enlists community members to spy on Christians. Their houses have been attacked, and they have been tortured, beaten and imprisoned in horrific conditions. Some are detained in metal shipping containers in scorching temperatures. When Senet was arrested for refusing to put the state before her faith in Jesus, she was put in a small cell with 55 other women. ‘We were so tightly crammed in that we could not sit properly, let alone lie down to sleep. We were forced to work long hours without rest. My immediate commander was especially cruel.’


  •  … strength and comfort for those who are imprisoned.
  •  … protection for Christians, particularly those who try and escape Eritrea: they often end up in the hands of traffickers.
  •  … the Church to grow.


Discover how the story of those paying a massive price for their faith can challenge and change faith right here. Look at some of the big issues facing your young people through the lens of the persecuted – use the new Open Doors youth ‘10 Steps’ discipleship resource. Visit