Our mentoring expert, Joel Toombs, helps you and your mentee define your ‘why’.
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Our mentoring expert, Joel Toombs, helps you and your mentee define your ‘why’.
2025-02-12T14:04:00Z By Pete Killingley
Parenting is and has always been a challenge. Teenagers find ways to push boundaries. That’s been the story forever. But in the digital age, the world of smartphones, selfies, nudes, social media and AI, today’s teenagers face challenges that most of us didn’t have when we were growing up.
Our Together resource is, as always, jam-packed full of ideas and activities to help the children and young people in your groups discover more about God, grow in faith and deepen their friendship with Jesus. Together is a curriculum resource for churches to use in their Sunday ...
Our Together resource is, as always, jam-packed full of ideas and activities to help the children and young people in your groups discover more about God, grow in faith and deepen their friendship with Jesus. Together is a curriculum resource for churches to use in their Sunday ...
Steve Henwood takes a look in the games cupboard and reflects on how we need to think about the ‘stuff’ of youth ministry and how we can get more
Steve Henwood is convinced that your youth ministry could have a new dimension if you can raise the funds for this versatile gadget
2024-01-11T09:42:00Z By Tim Alford
Tim Alford continues his exhortatation for us to make the Bible a vital part of your life
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