A collection of interesting facts and statistics on young adults gathered from various sources...
Approximately 930,000 people aged between 16 and 25 were unemployed between March and May 2009(Source: Times online)
The number of UK students at UK universities fell by 1% last year. (Source: BBC news)
If forced to cut back, 18 to 29 year olds would give up going out rather than internet connection or mobile phone. (Source: JWT Intelligence)
18 to 24 year olds are more than twice as likely to have borrowed money from a friend than older age groups.
70 per cent of under-24s are concerned about becoming unemployed (Source: Royal Mail)
90 per cent of young people questioned were in debt by the age of 21. Almost half of 18 - 24 year olds (46%) have owed more than £2,000 One in five have owed more than £10,000. (Source: Why do Young People Pay More? Rainer, May 2008)
The average age for getting married for the first time in England and Wales is 31 years for men and 29 years for women. (Source: BBC)
29 per cent of young men and 18 per cent of young women aged 20-34 yrs lived with their parents in 2008 (Source: Social Trends 2009 ONS)
The numbers attending church in the 20-29 age group has declined from 520,900 in 1985 to 230,600 in 2005, a decline of 62%.