Porn is wrecking the sexual appetites of children and young people. As Christian parents we must teach a better way
Bobbi Kumari2023-06-19T10:04:00
In May The children’s commissioner used statutory powers to analyse more than 500 case files of sexual abuse between under-18s provided by police In 50 per cent of cases the interview transcripts referred to acts of sexual violence specific to pornography such as strangulation and slapping. Some teenagers who carried out the abuse referred to their porn exposure as excessive, one saying, “I was really badly addicted to it at one point.” An earlier study by the NSPCC found that one in ten schoolchildren aged 12 to 13 were worried they were already addicted to porn.
Every single one of us, should be highly concerned about the recent report from the UK Children’s Commissioner, citing the detrimental effect of porn on teen sexuality. Particularly when half of the cases interviewed of teens, all under the age of 18, referred to personal experience of acts of sexual violence specific to pornography, such as strangulation and slapping. For Christians, the idea of any human being who has been created in the image of God, who Jesus shed His blood for, being dehumanised as a mere object of sexual pleasure, during porn consumption, should grieve us deeply. The added issue of sexual violence being normalised amongst teenagers, courtesy of porn consumption, should utterly infuriate us. (See a further article on porn’s effects here)