All Young people articles
Helping your teen navigate Snapchat: A Christian parent’s guide to helping them flourish online
In today’s digital world, social media is a big part of many teens’ lives. Snapchat, with its disappearing messages, fun filters, and real-time updates, is particularly popular among young people. While these features can offer entertainment and connection, they also bring risks that parents need to be aware of. As Christian parents, it can be challenging to help our teens navigate platforms like Snapchat while keeping them safe, grounded in faith, and aware of the potential dangers. This guide will help you find that balance.
It’s not all in the head - Physical activity is really important for the mental and spiritual health of youth and children
In 2024 there were 9.3 million NHS Couch to 5K runs started in the year as people sought to get healthy. I really enjoy physical activity but there are times (especially at the end of a busy day or if it is cold and dark) that dragging myself away from a comfy sofa is quite a challenge. However, one thing I do know is that being active is good for me and I always feel better having chosen to abandon the sofa for exercise.
Now parents know which school their year 6 children are going to it’s time to start getting ready
Our youth and children make several big steps in their life but as parents and carers we make those steps with them and can be as concerned and nervous as they are. One of the biggest steps our children make is starting at secondary school and that certainly is a significant change for us parents!
Captain America: Brave New World – Can people change (beyond turning into a Hulk…)?
It’s been a while since we’ve had a smaller scale story in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – MCU – based on earth and it was a nice change of pace to have a story with more personal stakes than an alien invasion.
Our children and young people need the good news not mere happy news
Rachael Newham considers whether we are passing on an emotional prosperity gospel and what a healthier approach might be.
Knife Crime: What parents need to know and what they can do
Knife crime is a devastating issue affecting communities across the UK. It’s a crisis ripping through communities, leaving families shattered and futures stolen. Across the UK, and especially in cities like London, young people are being pulled into violence, not because they want to hurt others, but because fear leaves them feeling like they have no choice. The numbers don’t lie. Knife crime is rising, lives are being lost, and entire communities are being scarred.
Are smartphones rewiring my kid’s brain?
Robin Barfield wonders if Christian parents are sometimes a little too negative on the impact of smart phones and social media. For an alternative perspective click here.
The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt might have an alarmist title but there is plenty in the book that Christian parents can agree with
Parenting is and has always been a challenge. Teenagers find ways to push boundaries. That’s been the story forever. But in the digital age, the world of smartphones, selfies, nudes, social media and AI, today’s teenagers face challenges that most of us didn’t have when we were growing up.
Grooming - What parents need to know
If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ve probably heard about “grooming gangs.”
Help! It’s February half term!
What is your family hungry for this half-term? I’ve put together a menu for you to peruse. It’s not a to-do list; there’s no pressure to tick things off, you don’t have to cram in as many things as possible to make half term a great time for your family (or at least bearable!).
Childline’s tips on tackling loneliness are helpful. But Christians should go further.
This month Childline revealed that that they ran nearly 5,000 online or telephone counselling sessions with youth and children in 2023-24. There are lots of issues that worry youth and children but, in those sessions, the main concern was loneliness. This isn’t an outlying report. The Office for National Statistics said something similar about the same time period. Loneliness, it seems, is a big problem.
Famous online? Helping your child navigate the allure of social media
Which social media do you find most attractive?
Four parables of Jesus - Session 1-4
Our Together resource is, as always, jam-packed full of ideas and activities to help the children and young people in your groups discover more about God, grow in faith and deepen their friendship with Jesus. Together is a curriculum resource for churches to use in their Sunday ...
Porn is wrecking the sexual appetites of children and young people. As Christian parents we must teach a better way
Do you recall your first exposure to pornography?
Bold like Joshua: Session 1-4
We’re exploring the book of Joshua. Choose the sessions and activities that best fit what you want to do:
5 ways to help your teen when they are obsessed with a celebrity
Who was your ‘hero’ growing up?
‘Look forward to the teenage years as a Christian parent! These years can be some of your best as a parent if you navigate wisely’
Would you say you were an easy teenage to parent?