All Young people articles – Page 5
The wise men: Session 4
Meeting aim: To reflect on the importance of worshiping Jesus wholeheartedly.
The shepherds: Session 3
Meeting aim: To challenge the young people to take a closer look at what God is doing.
Jesus’ birth: Session 2
Meeting aim: To investigate how Jesus identifies with the poor and marginalised.
Annunciation: Session 1
Meeting aim: To communicate that God can do the impossible, even in messy situations.
The lion’s den: Session 4
Meeting aim: To explore our commitment to integrity: running from what is evil and chasing what is right, no matter the cost.
The writing on the wall: Session 3
Meeting aim: To reflect on pride and humility, and to set our minds and hearts on being who we feel God wants us to be.
The fiery furnace: Session 2
Meeting aim: To discuss and investigate any similarities and principles from the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego that we can apply in our modern context.
The king’s dream: Session 1
Meeting aim: To explore God’s view of our individual lives now and in the future, and also our part in God’s story through the ages.
Saul and Jesus: Session 4
Meeting aim: To understand that nothing we have done is so bad that we can’t come to Jesus.
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch: Session 3
Meeting aim: To explore how God uses us to tell others about the good news of Jesus.
Stephen and friends: Session 2
Meeting aim: To explore how leadership and responsibility are not just about being upfront, but are also about servanthood.
The vineyard: Session 3
Meeting aim: To discuss what it means for God to have authority over us.
The pearl: Session 1
Meeting aim: To present the kingdom of heaven as something valuable and worth searching for.
Micah: Session 4
Meeting aim: To explore visions for the new heaven and Earth, just as Micah did so long ago.
Jonah: Session 3
Meeting aim: To explore how Jonah has a deeper relevance for young people than just being a story about a fish.
Jeremiah: Session 2
Meeting aim: To know that God’s call for us to speak for him is not discounted by our individual weaknesses.