All Summer articles
Getting parents on board with your September launch
Ahhhh, the excitement of a September launch: kids moving up to new groups on Sunday, fresh after-school clubs or midweek groups starting up, the satisfying feeling of finally getting enough team to start that new tots group. September can feel like the culmination of months and months of dreaming, planning and hard work.
What will you do next summer?
Admit it. You have missed it haven’t you? Trudging through the mud, queuing for a shower, searching vainly for a charging point for your phone, surviving on five hours sleep a night. Yes, I am talking about the summer youth event. Hannah Williamson reflects on summer festivals and invites you to consider whether next summer could be a significant one for your group
Games: Summer games
If you’re doing some summer outreach or putting on holiday clubs, then you might have more children or young people than usual and access to larger spaces (or the great outdoors!). These games are ideal for those kind of situations.
Faith at home
Forming faith rituals: Summer holidays
What word would you choose to describe summer holidays? Wonderful? Relaxing? Memory-making? Long? Stressful? Childcare? Expensive? Exhausting?
Schools’ work: Summer term and exam time
Dream: think strategically and with vision about our work in schools.
A summer of sport!
Can it really be four years since the London Olympics? Well, yes, actually it is. Check the calendar. See! But that does mean that Rio is nearly here and Olympic fever is about to hit us again. While the hype may not quite match 2012 and the timings of the big events might mean watching in the middle of the night, we can still join in the fun. And, there are some new sports to pretend we know everything about:
Summertime in London-town
Ayana Witherspoon, an English Literature student from Pepperdine University in Malibu, reflects on her month spent in London, interning at Youthwork HQ.
Summer blockbusters
Every year, film producers release a selection of huge movies which blaze across cinema screens. Some are amazing, some… less so. So what can we expect this year and how can we use these gargantuan productions in our ministry?
Ten things to do when you get back from a summer festival
Well done, oh youth worker friend! You have survived the greatest ordeal known to man: the summer festival. In case your brain cells are so exhausted that even reading this is a challenge – here’s a handy list of things you must do before you completely and fully collapse into a heap