All Reviews articles – Page 5
Games: Races
Children and young people can become extremely competitive in team-based situations and, while in some circumstances this can be unhelpful, it can help to create great memories and result in an enjoyable session. Try out some of the races below in teams. You could even put on your own ‘Games’ and give out medals for each event!
Black Panther
Another superhero movie is hardly news, but Black Panther is having a huge impact globally, including on our children and young people.
Games: Reconnecting games
After the Christmas break, it’s good to help children reconnect with each other in their groups. Here are some games to help!
Beauty and the Beast - should I take my kids?
It’s a tale as old as time. In March, news emerged that Disney’s live-action remake of majestic 90s animation Beauty and the Beast features a gay character and the studio’s “first exclusively gay moment”, and immediately a host of Christian voices loudly raised their objections.