

“And now we enter a time of film…”

Parents in Country Durham struggling to afford trips to the movies are being given a great alternative by West Auckland Vineyard Church which has set up a cinema in their church. Tickets will cost just 50p, which means the project will run at a financial loss but leaders say the goals are connecting with the community and sharing God’s love. Senior leader, Andy Mitchell told Premier Youth and Children’s Work: “Church can be a frightening place. What we’re saying is, ‘We are a bunch of normal people who worship Jesus, who love Jesus.’ We really just want to reach out and build this relationship. It’s demonstrating God’s love in our community where there’s a real need.”


Faith values on TV

CBeebies has commissioned two series of Treasure champs, a show aimed at older pre-schoolers which explores values common to different faiths and cultures such as generosity, empathy and honesty. Using a combination of stories, silly songs and real-life examples featuring children, comedic characters will introduce values to children in a fun and relatable way.

Jon Hancock, one of the executive producers and a Christian said: “These concepts can often be quite difficult for young children to grasp so we’re aiming to make the shows simple, entertaining and above all fun.”

Church kids say the funniest things

Here’s some of the best things our readers have heard kids say recently…

In a year six assembly on Easter:

Me: Who can remember the name of the mean religious leaders who didn’t like Jesus?

Child: The Pharmacies.

Becki, St Albans

Me: Why do we use bread to represent Jesus?

6-year-old: Because they are both tasty.

Rach, Greater Manchester

Youth worker to youth group: What can we learn from Nicodemus and his meeting with Jesus?

Young person: How to bury a body!

Colleen, Nottinghamshire