All Resources articles – Page 36
Abraham: Session 3
Meeting aim: To discover that God makes and keeps promises with his people.
Editorial - March 2017
It didn’t feel like the session was going that well. Our usual game to kick off the group had been ignored by the majority of the kids, the video showing Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 was shouted over and our attempt to recover by acting out the story had been sunk by everyone wanting to play the part of the fish offered to Jesus. Sure, we’d had fun talking about our favourite foods and what we’d offer in our lunchbox to Jesus, but that hardly felt like the kind of profound spiritual nourishment I was hoping for.
Editorial - February 2017
It’s funny how a phrase can move so quickly from ‘never heard of it’ to ‘everyone using all of the time’. As a young person I was proudly one of the first to be able to do that weird clicking thing with my fingers while saying: “Booyakasha”, and obviously would always answer my phone with the most hearty, “Wasssssssuuuuuup!” I could muster. God bless Ali G and Budweiser.