All Real Life articles

  • SilentDisco_Boy

    Get yourselves a silent disco headsets – the multi-faceted ministry tool


    Steve Henwood is convinced that your youth ministry could have a new dimension if you can raise the funds for this versatile gadget

  • Mark_My_Words_Jan24

    4 mindsets for 'staying put'

    Mark Oestreicher suggests that a long youth ministry at the same place could be absolutely the right thing to do

  • Mark My Words_Oct23_v1

    Who are you and what do you do?


    Mark Oestreicher suggests answering some key questions will help your own understanding, as well as those you serve 

  • Mark_Jeep

    Fired for my choice of car! Why expectations can be killers


    In his early years as a youthworker, Mark Oestreicher learned a lesson that has stayed with him, and coloured every hiring conversation he has ever had.

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    A week in the life of Andy Winmill


    The director of mission support at the Church of England in Birmingham gives his run down on his week.

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    Are girls in your group suffering from period poverty?


    Lisa Skinner highlights an issue that is a challenge worldwide but also here in the UK.

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    ​Spotlight on…Dernier Publishing


    Each month we shine a light on a Christian charity or ministry that either directly serves children or youth in some way, or those aiming to support them, whether in a full-time, part-time or volunteer capacity. 

  • crVUkRURYu1Oqify

    ​Spotlight on…Girl’s Brigade Ministries


    Each month we shine a light on a Christian charity or ministry that either directly serves children or youth in some way, or those aiming to support them, whether in a full-time, part-time or volunteer capacity. 

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    ​A week in the life of Amy Heyes


    In 2003, amid AS Levels with her university options set, there was a prayer Amy Heyes knew she needed to speak out: “God, if this isn’t what I should be doing next…let me know.” God answered and, in the summer of 2005, she landed at UDB (Urban Devotion Birmingham). She tells us what a typical week looks like, many years on from that moment.

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    Letter from America


    Loyd Harp reflects on his time in the UK and the move back to his home nation

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    A week in the life Andy Peck


    Andy Peck is the editor for YCW and Premier NexGen and also host of The Leadership Show for Premier Radio.

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    A week in the life of Joe Lowther


    KICK is a charity that aims to transform young people’s lives, with God’s love, through sport and support. They do this through values-driven physical education, street dance, mentoring, chaplaincy in schools and community KICK Academies. Joe Lowther is KICK’s CEO.

  • Fj7Tz8krE7JnQONy

    A week in the life Naomi Allen


    Naomi Allen is the head of youth development for Open Doors in UK and Ireland. Open Doors originated in 1955, when a Dutchman, who later became known as Brother Andrew, started smuggling Bibles to the persecuted church in Communist Europe. The organisation seeks to bring resources and hope to the over 360 million Christians who suffer persecution and discrimination.

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    A week in the life of John Prockter


    John Prockter is a youth worker and charity leader in Shropshire, working with four charities in Bridgnorth and Telford. He shares with us his week, as he and his team seek to point young people towards Jesus.

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    A Christian convert in an ancient church


    Reflecting on poet and author Paul Kingsnorth’s recent conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy, Harry Howard explains why his own journey to faith has also led him to an ancient form of Christianity.

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    Off to university?


    They may have left school, but they still need your help to transition to university. Mollie Chappell, a student mission developer at Fusion is keen that you don’t drop the ball at this vital time.

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    A week in the life of Alex Taylor


    Alex is a freelance writer, editor and trainer, working for part of his time as resources editor for YCW. He tells us about this week in Milton Keynes, where he lives, both inside and outside work.

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    BBC Bitesize removes pro-life infographics


    Popular educational website BBC Bitesize has been forced to temporarily remove infographics from the anti-abortion group, the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC).

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    Church urged to take bigger role in schools


    The Association of Christian Teachers has called for the Church to play a bigger part in the British education system, after a new report said that schools have failed students on every measure.

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    Cathedral launches story-based gaming app


    Hereford Cathedral has launched a new children’s gaming app that allows kids to explore the history and heritage of the church.