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You will need: chalkboards (make sure they are covered with chalkboard paint rather than any other kind of surface, as plastic coated ones will not work for this activity); water; paintbrushes
After reading or telling the story, give the children time to respond to what they have heard by painting words, pictures or symbols onto chalkboards with water. The water will act as a kind of ‘paint’ on the surface, which can easily be wiped away or left to erase itself when it dries. The creative time gives a great opportunity for discussion about the story and their responses to it.
You will need: spray bottles; paint; water; paper; scissors; stiff cardboard; pencils; cover-up and clean-up facilities
Pour a small amount of paint into the spray bottles and water it down so that the paint squirts out of the nozzle easily. You might need to experiment with this to get the consistency right.
Get the children to think about how they, or people they know, would like to get closer to Jesus and find out more about who he is. Then ask them to cut symbols that represent themselves or others out of the cardboard. Place the symbols on a piece of paper and hold them down firmly. Spray the paint over them and then lift the card to reveal the clean symbol-shaped space underneath! Repeat with other shapes and colours.
You will need: stiff card; scissors; glue; dish scrubbers; scouring pads; washing-up cloths; sponges; dusters; bin bags; sticky tape; gaffer tape; toilet roll
After hearing the story, have a discussion about what ‘servant king’ might mean, then choose a child or several children to dress up. As a group, work together to use products we would normally use for cleaning, rubbish disposal or cooking to create a crown and robes for a servant king who is not afraid to get ‘his’ hands dirty to help others. There are all sorts of possibilities when you use your imagination! Be careful with bin bags around the face area.
It might work well to have two groups working at the same time so creations can be compared and contrasted. This is a great way to think about the upside-down, contrary nature of Jesus’ kingdom.
You will need: playdough; pipe cleaners; lolly sticks
Supporting documents
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