The ‘Going for Growth’ report revealed that almost half of churches had fewer than five under-16 year-olds, saying: ‘The large decline in church attendance has not happened because many adults have stopped going to church. It is because more and more adults never start attending in the first place. Evidence shows that those who belong in their 20s will probably stay for the rest of their lives, but if they don’t, it will be hard to bring them in.’
However, the research did affirm the importance of youth and children’s work, as churches with a high ratio of children to adults are statistically twice as likely to be growing. The report concluded: ‘There is an urgent need to focus on children, young people and their parents and a challenge to identify how the church can best invest in people, programmes and strategies which will encourage young people actively to continue exploring faith. Research shows that the best youth programmes are likely to involve new ways of building community and these require a considerable amount of time and effort.’
Gavin Calver, national director of Youth for Christ, told Youthwork ‘We may in some cases be starting from a position of weakness, but all this report does is affirm the fundamental need for excellent youth ministry in our churches. No longer can we afford to ignore emerging generations; we must engage with them, reach them, recreate much of we do for their benefit and let them meet Jesus for themselves.’
Despite a nine per cent drop in weekly attendance over the last decade, the report showed the growth of fresh expressions and cathedral attendance. In ten dioceses where fresh expressions were examined, the 477 expressions of church added another 21,000 attendees. Over half of new forms of church, such as Café Churches, Messy Church and drop-in centres, meet outside of churches (56 per cent) and a similar number (52 per cent) are led by non-ordained leaders. Two thirds of these fresh expressions have continued to grow over their entire existence.
No longer can we afford to ignore emerging generations; we must engage with them, reach them, recreate much of we do for their benefit and let them meet Jesus for themselves.’
Jonny Baker, the leader of CMS’ pioneer leadership course, and Youthwork contributor, said: ‘There are many doubters and sceptics of fresh expressions. But this report is a wake-up call. It’s good news for the Church.’ Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby said: ‘There is every reason to be hopeful about the future of the Church of England, and indeed, all the churches in this country. There are many signs of growth, huge areas of development, and the Church is – more than it has been for the last 60 years – demonstrating how essential it is to hold together our society.