All NexGen Pro articles – Page 73
Who are ya?
The secret to youth ministry leadership doesn’t lie in another manual or self-help book. As Soul Survivor’s Bob Wallington explains: it lies in you
The Word
I’ve been given the opportunity to write about anything that’s on my heart. After almost four decades as a youth evangelist, maybe they think I’ve earned it. So I’ve decided to tackle a subject that the Bible has an awful lot to say about – and yet something that a lot of youth workers seem strangely silent on. In most areas of respectable society, it’s a mighty unpopular subject, too.
Can We Win?
Sometimes is can feel like we are fighting a losing battle. Week after week, our young people seem less engaged, our culture more apethetic and our work more exhausting. The future - we know - is secure. God will have the victory. But what does victory look like today here in the UK? At the risk of sounding silly, we asked some leading Christian voices what winning actually meant
Youth work in a war zone
Youth work can sometimes feel like a battle - but living in a real war zone is a whole other story. Open Doors’ Dan Etheridge tells us more.
Worth the wait
koko, a multi-award winning blog for teenage girls, has just launched a new film about sex.
XXL : Your vision
Youth work is changing. Our inward-looking, church-focused groups can only scratch the surface of our young people’s needs. TLG the education charity’s Mike Royalshares how our vision for young people has to be bigger than our youth work with them.
‘ You should be a vicar...’
Those words alone got me so angry. Why should I become a vicar? Because I’m a young, extroverted male who likes studying the Bible? Because I love youth work and once I have shown enough responsibility, you’ll trust me with proper grown-up ministry? Because that’s what youth workers
Training with a Twist
Already done youthwork training, or don’t have the time to do a full course? Here’s a list of some of the additional training opportunities out there, to add extra tools to your youthwork armoury
Our regular resource for incorporating spiritual practices into your work with children, from Ian Adams and Carolyn Edwards
Ten things to visit in Tonbridge
Ahead of the Youth Work Summit on 20th June in Tonbridge, we thought we’d move away from our specialism of youth work into the realm of travel journalism (of which we have no experience at all).
The Vicissitudes of the Vestibular System
Messy Church founder Lucy Moore learns from her travel sickness.
Youth Survey
We want to hear what you think about faith and Church. Why not fill out this form and have your say? Simply answer the questions below and
send them back to us to be in with the chance of winning a back catalogue of Soul Survivor albums – plus a signed copy of Beth Croft’s
new album Rule In My Heart. For the more technologically inclined, it is also possible to fill out the survey online at
youthsurvey. Lovely.