All NexGen Pro articles – Page 65
Recharge Bible Study: Dirty, smelly feet
Recharge is a Bible study just for you, to nurture your own relationship with God. So stop, sit, breathe and read. This month, Jenny Flannagan from Youthscape explores humility
The Axis of Good and Evil - Games
This month, we look at games. So, activities in the top right will be worth a play, those in the bottom left, less so
From the horse’s mouth: “You get pushed out from cool youth work into boring adult stuff”
Dani and Rachel met through youth work but have become friends after a long time knowing each other. Rachel started going to Dani’s church as a child and is now there as an adult. They talk about Rachel’s journey in and out of church. Dani Knox is a YFC centre director.
Solomon: Session 4
Meeting aim: To explore God’s feelings about our motivations and his desire to dwell with us.
Solomon: Session 4
Meeting aim: To explore what King Solomon thought he needed most to be a good king and how God gave him far more. God is a wise and generous God.
King David: Session 3
Meeting aim: To hear how David made Jerusalem his capital city and discovered that – God is not just in one place at any one time - God is everywhere.
David and Goliath: Session 2
Meeting aim: To encounter the story of David and Goliath and to reflect on David’s courageous actions – God is with us when we are afraid.
Samuel and Saul: Session 1
Meeting aim: To understand that God helps his people when they face difficulties.
Learner Turner: A Sunday in the grass
“Can I ask you a question?” Her 11-year-old body curled towards me in earnest. I looked around the group of seven of us, relaxed on the grass outside church. The wind ruffled our hair as we crunched biscuits.
Relationship-rooted discipleship
In youth and children’s ministry we’re constantly on the lookout for a silver bullet - one programme or approach that will solve our discipleship crisis. But Bath and Wiltshire YFC’s James Vaughton thinks it might be simpler than that…
Faith at home
A story for home: Dinner time with Eli and sons
Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God-time during your day. Enjoy pulling different facial expressions and thinking about what noises the different characters might make. You could also use this story during a children’s session.