All NexGen Pro articles – Page 48

  • resource covers - younger children (13)

    David and Jonathan: Session 2


    Meeting aim: To reflect on friendships by hearing how Jonathan helped David escape from King Saul.

  • resource covers - younger children (12)

    Chosen to be king: Session 1


    Meeting aim: To discover that God knows us inside out.

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    Five gospel tracks your youth group will love


    It was my pleasure to attend the third annual Premier Gospel Awards and meet some Spirit-filled (and frankly gorgeous!) people. But more so, I’ve added a few new faves to my go-to songs. Here’s a few hand-picked for your youth group.  

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    1-0 to religious freedom as government U-turns on Sunday school regulation plans


    Danny Webster from the Evangelical Alliance explains what the government U-turn means for those of us running Sunday schools.

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    Is the Church failing to tackle London’s violent crime epidemic?


    As two more young people were killed in London on the same night, Ben Lindsay speaks out about what the Church should be doing to stop the rising tide of violence.

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    What have flamingos got to do with Easter?


    Easter trails are a common feature of many towns. Following the eggs or the bunnies may be familiar for school children enjoying their holiday. But what about follow the flamingos?

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    Are we ashamed of Easter?


    Tim Gough, award winning blogger of Youthwork Hacks, asks if we are embarrassed of the Easter story.

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    Here’s how to use Easter to talk about mental health in primary school


    If you are doing schools work, you may have noticed that some children are struggling with their mental health. Maybe year 6s are feeling the pressure of exams. Maybe some are struggling to cope with change or grief. With one in five under 11s struggling with their mental health at least once, I doubt they are alone. One school is using the Easter story to help their children cope. 

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    The final chapter of our Easter story is here. How will the story end?


    92 per cent of parents said they could be doing more to encourage faith at home. Many put it down to not having any idea where to even start. So we thought we'd do our bit to help out. If confidence and resources are what you are short on, here's some inspiration. Jane Howarth has written us a story series to share with children this Easter. Here's part four.

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    The next chapter of our Easter story


    92 per cent of parents said they could be doing more to encourage faith at home. Many put it down to not having any idea where to even start. So we thought we'd do our bit to help out. If confidence and resources are what you are short on, here's some inspiration. Jane Howarth has written us a story series to share with children this Easter. Here's part three.

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    What will happen to Nisha? Find out in the next part of our Easter story


    92 per cent of parents said they could be doing more to encourage faith at home. Many put it down to not having any idea where to even start. So we thought we'd do our bit to help out. If confidence and resources are what you are short on, here's some inspiration. Jane Howarth has written us a story series to share with children this Easter. Here's part two.

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    Only a quarter of parents share Bible stories with their kids. So we wrote our own...


    92 per cent of parents said they could be doing more to encourage faith at home. Many put it down to not having any idea where to even start. So we thought we'd do our bit to help out. If confidence and resources are what you are short on, here's some inspiration. Jane Howarth has written us a story series to share with children this Easter. Here's part one. 

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    Mentoring: Hide and seek with God


    I regularly enjoy playing a completely terrible version of hide and seek with my 3-year-old. Those of you with kids will no doubt recognise this game.

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    Drama games


    The word ‘drama’ may make some people shudder with fear, but these group games and exercises will be sure to warm up your children and young people, even on a sleepy Sunday morning!

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    Reflective Journal: Crushed


    “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”

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    Parable: Morgan and the missing bass riff


    This story is based on Luke 15:11–32.

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    Craft: Ascension


    The story of Jesus’ ascension in Acts 1 is full of mystery and spectacle. There are clouds, a disappearing saviour, strange men in white robes and a job given to the disciples to be witnesses of Jesus throughout the whole world. These crafts will help children unpack and explore some of the story’s themes and images.

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    All-age service: Easter Sunday


    Meeting aim: To encounter the risen Jesus!

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    Jesus and Thomas


    Meeting aim: To weigh up the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection and make an honest and considered response to it

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    Easter Sunday

    Meeting aim: To discover what the hope of Easter means for us today.