All NexGen Pro articles – Page 15
March 2020 : Ready to use parable – Ray and the ready-made Ragu
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March 2020 : Ready to use movie – Yesterday (12)
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Hope for the hopeless
In light of Caroline Flack’s recent tragic suicide, we spoke to health and wellbeing support worker Jess Bramhall about her work supporting vulnerable women and how we can bring hope to those struggling with their mental health.
In God we doubt
Can we have a little chat about doubt? It’s something that tends to sit more readily in the world of youth ministry, not children’s, partly because the early stages of faith and cognitive development make children happier to just think stuff is true, especially if an adult tells them it. And partly, I guess, because we are often too happy to stick with a formula that feels like it’s working, as the kids aren’t asking many tough questions.
Let's get messy: how are you reaching families?
Alex Taylor reflects on how we reach out to families after taking part in St Paul's Messy Cathedral.
Feeling, not just knowing, God's love
The month of love is in full flow! It's the perfect time for those of us working with children and young people to teach about God's love. But how do we go about it? And ensure that they don't just know God's love but feel it?
How to teach children about prayer
Prayer is vital in developing young people's relationships with God - and knowing how to pray offers up huge benefits to opening up children's prayer lives. But how do we go about it?
Saving a generation: a response to youth work funding cuts
Following the recent statistics by the YMCA that show spending on youth services in England and Wales has been cut by 70% in less than a decade – with spending at its lowest in a generation – James Griffin, youth ministry student at Limitless and advocate at Home For Good – explains why he believes we should be prioritising services to young people more than ever.
Faith at home
Encouraging green living
Jess Lester, deputy editor of YCW Magazine, spoke to environmentalist and theologian Dr Ruth Valerio, a director at Tearfund, about ensuring we bring Jesus into the picture when talking about climate change with our children and young people, and gives top tips on how to get started with ‘living green’.
Faith at home
How to help young people deal with anxiety
Editor of YCW Magazine Ruth Jackson spoke to Scarlett Hiltibidal, an American author and public speaker, about how we can help young people struggling with anxiety, using tips from her book Afraid of All The Things.
#Pray – engaging young people in prayer
Prayer has in some senses become a bit of a cultural phenomenon. When disaster strikes, young people in their masses take to social media to share that they are #prayingfor whatever it may be, from Australian fires to the coronavirus in China and – just this weekend – the family of NBA player Kobe Bryant.