All NexGen Pro articles – Page 121
NSPCC seeks investigation into caning by Christian sect
The NSPCC is demanding that a Christian ‘sect’ is investigated by the police after allegations that it regularly beats children with a cane. The request follows a report into the group in The Independent which revealed that such beatings are a regular and accepted practice.
Pornscars Conference cancelled
The two Porn Scars conferences, featured in the October issue of Youthwork, were cancelled due to lack of tickets sold.
Visiting refugee camps in Lebanon: two teenagers’ stories
Recently, the Catholic Agency For Overseas Development (CAFOD) sent two young people on a life changing trip to the refugee camps in Lebanon.
Q&A with Tony Campolo
Tony Campolo is a man of many guises. Over the years he has worn the hats of spiritual advisor to Bill Clinton, professor of sociology at Eastern University, founder of evangelical institutions, Baptist minister, renowned author, international speaker and TV host - to name just a few. Deputy editor Phoebe Thompson caught up with Tony during his short trip to the UK, to talk evangelising young people, social justice and what he would say to his younger self.
Cameron issues Porn Ultimatum
A government move to block pornography at internet service provider (ISP) level has been met with mixed reactions. Prime Minister David Cameron announced plans in late July to require internet users to ‘opt-in’ to explicit sexual content, by requiring ISP’s to block it by default.
In addition, the coalition government will make the possession of pornography depicting rape illegal in England and Wales, bringing the countries in line with existing Scottish law. However, while many lobbyists and campaigners welcomed the announcements as a breakthrough in the fight against the ‘corrosion of childhood’, others expressed concerns that the proposals were badly thought-out or unworkable. -
Gavin Calver leaves YFC for EA
Youth for Christ’s national director, Gavin Calver, will leave the organisation in June to become director of mission / England at the
Evangelical Alliance. -
Craft: Jesus calms the storm
This month’s craft page includes four ideas to help children engage with the story of Jesus calming the storm, from new contributor Mina Munns
"They are corrupting our children’s minds!" (Calm down, they’re not)
Recently, the government produced a report recommending an update of the content taught regarding sex and relationships in secondary schools, and an expansion of sex and relationships education (SRE) into primary schools, including down to the age of three.
Calls to scrap daily Christian worship in schools
Schools should no longer be required to hold Christian worship sessions, according to the former Education Secretary Charles Clarke, who was in
the post from 2002 until 2004. -
Pope calls on young people to make ‘a mess’
Pope Francis’s visit to Brazil for World Youth Day 2013 saw him speak to and encourage millions of young people.
Faith at home
A story for home: Jesus calls his disciples
Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God-time during your day. Try to teach the actions ahead of time. It is fun to see if the children can guess the story based on the actions, and it rehearses the story before you tell it.
How to decipher your calling
It’s the question all of us want the answer to, and yet often seems least answerable: what does God want me to do with my life? We asked seasoned youth work thinker Fuzz Kitto to share his thoughts on finding your call.
Help! I’m second guessing my calling
Youth ministry isn’t easy. At times, our sense of calling or vocation is the only thing keeping us going. But what happens when it feels like that calling slips away? How do we rediscover it, or worse, keep going when the job becomes just ‘a job’? The Girls’ Brigade’s Dr Claire Rush shares her story
Does God call Introverts to be youth leaders?
Eighteen months ago I would have laughed if someone had told me that I was going to set up a youth cell at my church. My previous experiences of working with teenagers had been far from positive and I am a quiet, introspective person who prefers to sit at the back and observe
The friends you never call
Statutory youth work in the UK has been one of the areas hardest hit by the Government’s austerity drive. While many churches have plugged gaps left behind, Naomi Thompson explains how those involved in the Christian sector can support those facing the brunt of the cuts
Calais: what we saw
Some young people and a bunch of youth workers went to Calais to visit the refugee camp. Here’s what they found…
So you want to set up a youth cafe?
For the last six years, Youth For Christ in North Wales has managed the dream project; a fully-fledged and kitted-out high street youth cafe called Reverb. Earlier this year however, we decided that something wasn't working and we made the bold decision to move out. This summer we closed our doors for the final time and made a new home in a local community centre.