All New Testament articles – Page 6
Jesus starts it all
Meeting aim: To make sense of why Jesus started to minister the way he did, and to explore the theme of training and beginning a life of ministry
Jesus meets Levi
Meeting aim: To explore how Jesus came for the ‘sick’, how he came for everyone.
Jesus starts it all
Meeting aim: To think about how God’s powerful, rescue plan had begun with Jesus.
Saul and Jesus: Session 4
Meeting aim: To understand that nothing we have done is so bad that we can’t come to Jesus.
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch: Session 3
Meeting aim: To explore how God uses us to tell others about the good news of Jesus.
Stephen and friends: Session 2
Meeting aim: To explore how leadership and responsibility are not just about being upfront, but are also about servanthood.
Saul and Jesus: Session 4
Meeting aim: To understand how meeting Jesus changes lives and the world.
Philip and the Ethiopian: Session 3
Meeting aim: To explore how God uses us to tell others the good news about Jesus.
Stephen and friends: Session 2
Meeting aim: To explore the roles children have (or might have) as they serve in church.
Zacchaeus: Session 4
Meeting aim:To explore the idea that Jesus’ love and forgiveness is for everyone.
Zacchaeus: Session 4
Meeting aim:To explore the transformation Jesus brought for Zacchaeus and can also bring in our lives
A rich man: Session 3
Meeting aim: To discover that Jesus is the most important thing we could want.
The rich man: Session 3
Meeting aim:To explore Jesus’ challenging teaching to the rich man and to us.
The rich man: Session 3
Meeting aim:To explore what stops us living wholeheartedly for Jesus.
Simon and the sinful woman: Session 2
Meeting aim:To explore humility, and how we need God’s forgiveness