All Men of the Bible articles
Jesus meets Zacchaeus
Click here to access this month’s all-age service and other resources too.
4 part series on Moses
Linked below are children, youth and all age resources - all ready to use!
4 part series on Abraham
Linked below are children, young people and all-age resources - all ready to use!
Jesus meets Levi
Meeting aim: To understand which friends and people Jesus wanted on his ‘team’, and in turn to begin to understand what kind of people Jesus wants us to be.
Jesus meets Levi
Meeting aim: To explore how Jesus came for the ‘sick’, how he came for everyone.
Jesus and Thomas
Meeting aim: To weigh up the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection and make an honest and considered response to it
Jesus meets the first disciples
Meeting aim: To capture something of the extraordinary Jesus, who is with us in the ordinary.
On the beach - Jesus meets the first disciples
Meeting aim: To help the children understand that Jesus is with them, just as he was when he appeared to the disciples at breakfast, and to discover what difference this makes in our lives.
Jesus and Thomas
Meeting aim: To explore what it means for us to trust in Jesus, even when we cannot see him
Jesus and Thomas
Meeting aim: To allow the opportunity for children to understand that doubting is part of faith, and that they can bring their doubts to Jesus.
A wife for Isaac
Meeting aim: To learn how Isaac and Rebekah trusted God, and how we can do the same.