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Famous online? Helping your child navigate the allure of social media
‘Before we point the finger at Russell Brand, the church needs to get its own house in order and educate young people about consent’
How can Christian parents help their children navigate their sexual desire wisely?
Discipline – Getting it right, biblically, legally and practically
A parent’s guide to safeguarding
Hitting children is harmful and God does not give harmful parenting advice
What Christians can learn from the Princess of Wales’ parenting rules
Bob Hartman provides a poetic picture to delight every child
‘He spent literally hours with me’: how a youth leader led me to faith and to follow in his footsteps
Bob Hartman imagines the queue to chat with Jesus
How the prayer of a Christian mum led George Verwer to faith, and the birth of Operation Mobilisation
Growing faith
A tool to help your child ‘take captive every thought’ and walk in freedom with Christ
‘What do you do?’ A Christian mum finds the question triggered more than she expected
What were you thinking? How the Bible transforms your life and family
How curly hair got me thinking about faith at home
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Family & Parenting
Discipline – Getting it right, biblically, legally and practically
A Parent’s Guide to Safe and Enjoyable Sleepovers
A parent’s guide to safeguarding
12 New Year Resolutions for inclusive Children’s and Youth Work
Setting yourself up for faith conversations in 2024
‘God with us’ in a family with additional needs
Is it OK to talk about Santa and does this undermine our words about Jesus?
Give glory to God this Christmas (and ditch ’the elf on the shelf’, please!)
Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store: how to be imaginative as you celebrate God's gift to us
‘I find it easier to share Jesus with my children at Christmas: here’s how I do it’
How to share Christmas gifts (without going into debt!)
‘Mum can I get a tattoo?’ What to say about tattoos and piercings in the light of the Bible
A how, a wow and a bow: a Christmas meditation for your family this advent
11 activities for Christian families to brighten your advent season
‘Teamwork makes the dream work’: how one Christian family is tackling selfishness
Hitting children is harmful and God does not give harmful parenting advice
‘I hate you’ could be the start of a fruitful conversation. How to make a Christian response
Emma Watson, Jim Carrey and Michael Phelps have it, but what should you be praying if your child has ADHD?
Yikes, I need 70 hours a week to fit it all in!
Juggling childcare and a day job - how can Christian parents flourish?
7 ways to prepare for relational change in your family
The mistakes I have made as a Christian parent, have made me a better parent
What Christians can learn from the Princess of Wales’ parenting rules
When your parenting journey isn’t what you expect
Conversation is key to parenting, but how do you create the time and place?
What I would say to my younger parenting self about starting a new term
5 parenting tips from the Bible’s most dysfunctional families
10 Bible verses every Christian parent should know
6 vital questions to ask as you approach the new school term
How to prepare Christian young people for part-time work
Why allowing children to eavesdrop is a good thing
Year out, uni or work? How christian parents can navigate the crisis
How drug gangs involve teens in their work and how Christian parents can be alert
7 ways to bring ‘God-like’ order to your home
8 ways to teach your children to pray (and leave them skills that will last a lifetime)
How to actually compare your child with other Christian children
‘Age verification on porn sites will help your children stay safe, but loop holes need closing’
Being a dad is an incredible privilege - here’s how to make the most of it
Bluey may be popular but my child’s behaviour has gone downhill. As a Christian parent what should I do?
As an ‘ex new-ager’ I am surprised that books like the Harry Potter series are considered OK by Christians
Embarrassing your kids with your faith? Don’t lose heart, they will get over it!
Seeing the church service through a child’s eyes. How child-friendly are your songs?
Fans, feathers and balloons: it can only be illustrations for Pentecost Sunday!
When your children slip away from faith
How laughter is God’s gift for disciplining your children
Should Christian parents be concerned about their children being on Instagram?
Top worship songs to teach your kids
Eco-anxiety is a thing for children, but here’s how Christian parents can respond
You wouldn’t let your children watch a violent film so how do you talk about Easter
5 things every Christian parent needs to know about dyslexia
Badly behaved, or sensory processing issues? How the church can support the one in 100 UK children who have autism
If you think your parenting is less than perfect, it’s OK. God is there to help
Teaching your children about God when your partner doesn’t believe
'Nature is the first cathedral': 9 tips to help your children enjoy God’s creation
Why I believe your child can lead today
The Kids Getting Older Younger (KGOY) phenomenon and what Christian parents need to do about it
‘This law is a big step forward in the protection of children and girls in particular’: why many Christian parents are welcoming the increase in the legal age of marriage in England and Wales
A parent educator re-thinks her approach after coming to faith
How should you punish your children as a Christian? NT Wright answers
If you saw children fighting in the street - would you walk by on the other side?
Talking about Jesus’ Return, without scaring the life out of your kids
How do you start to pray with your children?
‘What are you watching?!’ When your child likes material you don’t think is appropriate
Pointers for Christian mums following Jacinda Ardern’s resignation as PM of New Zealand
What to say if a young person ‘comes out’ in conversation with you
Food fads and teenagers. How a Christian parent can gain a sense of balance
3 ways to respond as a Christian parent when your child winds you up
‘I don’t want history to repeat itself’: the lessons for Christian parents from Harry’s pain
How do you encourage your kids to worship God?
Would you bribe your children to attend church?
5 ways to help your teen when they are obsessed with a celebrity
The verse in Proverbs that has scared a generation of parents. How to understand it and learn from it
Tips for ’taking Jesus' into your parenting in 2023
3 tips for a Jesus-focussed, guilt-free Christmas
What I have learnt about Christian parenting from looking after other people’s children
How do I fill the Christmas week as a Christian parent?
How coaching can transform your parenting
‘Look forward to the teenage years as a Christian parent! These years can be some of your best as a parent if you navigate wisely’
How to have a Jesus centred advent season
Help, my teenager doesn’t want to come to church
If a child you knew was being sexually abused, could you spot the signs?
John Lewis is right to highlight the value of foster carers. But let no one be unaware of the challenge
Should you watch ‘I’m a Celebrity’ with your teenagers?
5 practical ways to encourage your children to be more grateful
An estimated one in six girls and one in 20 boys experience sexual abuse before the age of 16. Being alert to the dangers could save your child
‘Parenthood caused me to lose sight of who God made me to be’
Could your child be part of a new generation of Billy Grahams?
The day we decided our family culture had to change
Should you let your child play sport on Sunday?
The next Messi or Ronaldo? How to support your child’s elite sports ambitions as a Christian parent
Put Jesus at the centre of your family this Halloween. Try this recipe for ‘salt and light’ chocolate slabs
Light parties or Halloween? I know what I am choosing
Do you pray with your children? Here’s some ways that could work well
Are you raising a Christian leader? You need to be
We tried reading the Bible together as a family every day for a month. Here’s what happened
Lying is a huge deal in our family. Here’s how we have taught our children to tell the truth
TV presenter Dan Walker has a mobile phone contract with his children. Should you do the same?
If faith conversations with your children feel awkward, here’s what to do
Need to keep your children safe online? Here’s how
How can I check my children’s social media habits and not become a pain?
My children started copying my angry responses. So we now play a game that helps us all
How much do you pay the tooth fairy? Teaching your children about money
Church and Monarchy Made Simple
Why does my child ‘lose it’ at home when they have been fine at school or church?
Keeping relations smooth between parents and youth workers
Do you need to speak your children’s language to relate?
‘No one will ever know who they are, but they changed my life’: Rob Parsons on his influences growing up
Jordan Peterson urges churches to welcome young men
The girls ‘brought football home’. What lessons are there for the church?
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How I survived as a Christian at university
Laughter is one of God’s gifts to us, so let’s share it with our kids
When your children don’t get on with someone in your church
What to do when church clashes with something your child wants to do
My children seem to be mixing heavily with their peers who are not Christians – how do I make sure they maintain Christian values when I do?
How do we help our teens acknowledge their faith when Christianity is seen as uncool?
Help! My baby won’t sleep! What should I do?
Benefits of adventure as a family
How can I grandparent as my children want?
Talking about sex to your children
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Talking about the tough stuff
Parenting as a Church Leader
Why John Mark Comer banned his children from having smart phones
I don’t know. And it’s OK.
Discipling children with additional needs
How to help parents of small children survive church
The first 1,001 days
Maintaining sexual intimacy after having children
Finding my voice: the experiences of a child with quadriplegic cerebral palsy
Nobody puts baby in the corner
Bun in the oven, Bible in hand
Why it’s OK to entertain your kids with screens
Parenting your teenage children
I’m so tired
Single parent and proud
Tightropes & safety nets
It takes a whole church to raise a child