Dawn Savidge looks at the top social media apps used by her teenagers and how she needs to keep them safe
We live in a world that has become consumed by social media. The vast majority of us use it to communicate every day. In its simplest form, social media can be either be websites or apps with a specific purpose of communication or audience interaction.
There has been so much written about mobile phone safety for both parents and children alike. Yet we continue to read stories in the news of children being victims of online bullying, self-harming and even murder. With children getting their first smart phone at the average age of 10, how can parents know what the popular apps are and the risks of using them?
Firstly, it is worth stating that the age limit for social media apps is 13. This is due to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (1998) which restricts websites from tracking the personal details of children under the age of 13. WhatsApp, which is classed as a social media app has an age limit of 16.
There are lots of social media apps out there and as a parent, this can feel overwhelming. I am going to list the top five most popular social media apps as highlighted by my three children and their friends (aged 14, 16 and 18).
1. Snapchat
Age Limit: 13
What is it?
An instant messaging service that allows the user to send and receive photos and messages. The photos and messages disappear straight away unless it is saved in the chat, which the sender will be notified about. Your child might talk about ‘streaks’. These are a chain of snaps that are sent to a friend once a day. My daughter currently has 1030 with her best friend!
How can I make sure my child is safe?
Snapchat has a ‘ghost mode’ which when turned on hides the users location. This is always recommended. However, you can reveal your location to people that you choose. So if you have Snapchat, both parent and child can see each other. You have to be ‘friends’ with someone in order to message them, so make sure you talk to your children about actually having met someone before adding them as a friend. Arguments from school can spill over onto Snapchat. Remind your child that they can block, leave the message ‘on delivered’ or even switch off their phone!!!
2. TikTok
Age Limit: 13
What is it?
This is an app where users can make an account to both view and create short videos. There are various different genres according to what people are interested in from makeup, to cars, to baking, to tidying, to church. There are various TikTok ‘trends’ such as dances, which your child might spend hours learning.
How can I make sure my child is safe?
There is a search engine which means ANY topic can be searched for (think teenage boys and top shelf magazines). The only way around this is to make sure that you Wi-Fi settings at home are secure and you don’t give their mobile phone too much data so they can turn the Wi-Fi off. You can make your account private meaning that only your friends can see what you post.
3. BeReal
Age Limit: 13
What is it?
This is an app where users receive a notification at a different time every day reminding them to take a selfie. The selfie is taken using both the front and back camera on their phone. You can react to friends BeReal pictures and also see those people who you aren’t friends with. Unlike some apps, there are no filters meaning that people have to ‘be real’ hence the name.
How can I make sure my child is safe?
You can have a private account so that only your friends can see and react to your BeReal. Like Snapchat, you can remove your location from all viewers.
4. Instagram
Age Limit: 13
What is it?
This is an app that is used to take and share photos. You can also view people’s ‘reels’ (short montage of photos/videos). You can also send direct messages (DMs) to your friends or anyone with an open account.
How can I make sure my child is safe?
This is another app with a search button that can find and show you anything. As per the TikTok advice, make sure your Wi-Fi has good parental settings. You can make your account private and only add those people who you know. There are a lot of influencers on this app more than anywhere else. As a result, there are some ‘companies’ who may direct message you in order to lure you into becoming ‘InstaFamous’. My children have had modelling agencies and car products contacting them promising fame and fortune. Even I’ve had a Christian clothing company DM me.
5. YouTube
Age Limit: 13
What is it?
A website where people can upload or view film content. Some young people will often watch YouTube videos as opposed to digital television. You can ‘follow’ people and ‘like’ videos. Some of the most popular YouTube videos for children include gaming, lifestyle and children’s programmes.
How can I make sure my child is safe?
First and foremost, talk to them about what they are watching. YouTube does have parental controls so you can access those. There is a YouTube Kids channel which you might want to use instead of the main site.
Social media can be a wonderful addition to the rich tapestry of life. Make sure you keep talking as a family about online safety, the value of having social media free days and the importance of treating people with respect whilst online. Remember, ‘when you speak healing words, you offer others fruit from the tree of life. But unhealthy, negative words do nothing but crush their hopes’ Proverbs 15:4 (TPT) .