All Heaven and hell articles
Children and young people on hell
A group of children and young people discuss the topic of hell.
Hell: Do we need to talk to children about eternal damnation?
It seems as if, for many Christians, their understanding of hell is central to their understanding of the biblical narrative. But should we talk to children about it? Can it have a negative impact? John Grayston steps into the fire…
Heaven and Hell
In his work among young people in some of the world’s most challenging urban areas, Patrick Regan has seen evidence both of the Kingdom of heaven breaking through, and the reality of hell on earth, literally taking hold. As he tells just a few of those stories, he challenges us to take seriously Jesus’ call and example: to love the hell out of young people.
Open up your soul: The Dark Night
Are we willing to follow God wherever he leads – even into the dark night of the soul? Contemplative youth ministry expert Mark Yaconelli shares his thoughts on ministering in the dark
Why does God condone mass murder in the Old Testament?
Dear Prof, in the Old Testament there are lots of accounts of God condoning mass murders and wiping out whole tribes of people. Doesn’t this contradict the Ten Commandments and why does God suddenly change his mind about that in the New Testament?