All Growing Together articles – Page 3
Annunciation: Session 1
Meeting aim: To tell the story of the angel Gabriel visiting Mary and Joseph to let them know that the Messiah would be born to Mary.
The lion’s den: Session 4
Meeting aim: To learn about being faithful in prayer, and about praying in different ways.
Saul and Jesus: Session 4
Meeting aim: To understand how meeting Jesus changes lives and the world.
Philip and the Ethiopian: Session 3
Meeting aim: To explore how God uses us to tell others the good news about Jesus.
Stephen and friends: Session 2
Meeting aim: To explore the roles children have (or might have) as they serve in church.
The talents: Session 4
Meeting aim: To help the children realise God has given us all talents and gifts that can be used for his kingdom
The vineyard: Session 3
Meeting aim: To help children explore the idea that God, in his love and mercy, sent his son but that Jesus was rejected by many.
The workers: Session 2
Meeting aim: To give the children the opportunity to explore the ‘unfairness’ of God’s kingdom, and therefore his mercy and grace.
The pearl: Session 1
Meeting aim: To encourage the children to think about ‘counting the cost’ of following Jesus, but also to reflect on the treasures they receive from him.
Zacchaeus: Session 4
Meeting aim:To explore the transformation Jesus brought for Zacchaeus and can also bring in our lives
The rich man: Session 3
Meeting aim:To explore Jesus’ challenging teaching to the rich man and to us.
Simon and the sinful woman: Session 2
Meeting aim:To explore some of Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness and to consider our response to his generous gift.
The fishermen: Session 1
Meeting aim:To explore what the fishermen noticed about Jesus when they met him.
In the cave: Session 3
Meeting aim: To learn how David trusted in God and how we can do the same.
Chosen to be king: Session 1
Meeting aim: To learn how God chose David, and how God looks at our insides, not our outsides.