All Generation articles
Discipling Generation Z
Generation Z won’t respond to the models and methods of discipleship that served Millennials, says Tim Suffield; it’s time for a re-think.
Saving a generation: a response to youth work funding cuts
Following the recent statistics by the YMCA that show spending on youth services in England and Wales has been cut by 70% in less than a decade – with spending at its lowest in a generation – James Griffin, youth ministry student at Limitless and advocate at Home For Good – explains why he believes we should be prioritising services to young people more than ever.
My intergenerational journey
It started with chicken wings. Plastic chicken wings, to be precise. They were my favourite toy at the church’s toddler group, and by far the finest item in the toy kitchen. Much to the group leader’s amusement, I would run manically around the church hall with my friend Richard each week, firing imaginary bullets from these perfectly proportionate pieces of plastic poultry as if the world was about to end, and we had been chosen to save it.
My intergenerational retreat weekend
This weekend I attended a family / intergenerational retreat held at a lovely retreat house in New Jersey. This was the third year the retreat was offered by this particular local church. At least three generations were represented and some adults attended who were not at all related to the children who were there.
Releasing the Generations
Relationships between generations in – and outside of - the Church can be complex. However, Bishop Graham Cray argues that our faith is a ‘generation to generation’ one; we need adults who will teach, encourage, and get out of the way when the time is right, and young people who will listen, learn and lead.
Round table: The next generation
Throughout this issue we have heard from some legendary youth work veterans but we also want to listen to the youth workers of the future. So, we gathered six young leaders and picked their collective brains about where they thing youth ministry is heading…
Generation Z
Like a wriggling toddler, the culture and landscape of teenage life is incredibly hard to pin down, so what is life like for today’s young people? And what sort of adults are the 21st Century society creating? Tearfund’s Kiera Phyo takes a long hard look at Generation Z, and likes what she sees…
Nicky Gumbel: Three Ways to Empower the Next Generation
I am so grateful to Jonathan Fletcher. When I first encountered Jesus in 1974, Jonathan met with me for three hours every week for a year, and regularly thereafter until I left university. He became a great friend. He taught me the Christian faith. He explained to me how to read the Bible and how to pray. He recommended Christian books and answered my questions. Even though I had only just encountered Jesus myself, he encouraged me to lead others to faith in Jesus and to straight away pass on what I was learning.
You, the Future and Generation Edge
If you don’t shape the future, someone else’s vision of the future will reshape you, your youth work and your city.
Aspiration Generation
When young people look ahead ten years they typically hope to be doing a job that they love, be married or in a stable relationship with children, and living in their own home.
Faith Generation: Taking on the toughest challenge of all
The Church has a discipleship problem – generating faith among young people looks vastly different to how it did 25 years ago. But what factors have led to this change and what does it mean for the next generation? Nick Shepherd explains…