All Games articles
Need ideas for a Christmas Party? Look no further!
Rebecca Glover has some imaginative activities for that all important Christmas Party. Go on, choose some!
End of term games
School is almost over, which means formal groups begin to scale down for a lot of organisations. Requiring teamwork, a good sense of humour and some physical activity, these games are a perfect way to wrap up the term before the long summer!
Games: Football (ish) games
The World Cup is almost upon us, so why not play some footie inspired games? If your group isn’t into the beautiful game, just kick off those summer vibes!
Youth group games
Here is a selection of games you can play (or adapt) for a youth group evening. There is a mix of active and settled games to suit your group and situation.
Drama games
The word ‘drama’ may make some people shudder with fear, but these group games and exercises will be sure to warm up your children and young people, even on a sleepy Sunday morning!
Indoor games
When the weather is miserable outside, it’s always useful to have some easy indoor group games up your sleeve that require little preparation and few resources. These games are easy to play when you have time to fill in a session or to break the ice.
Games: Reconnecting games
After the Christmas break, it’s good to help children reconnect with each other in their groups. Here are some games to help!
Games: Christmas games
’Tis the season to be jolly! FALALALALALALALALA! It’s that time of year when we plan for Christmas fun and get excited about food and presents. Here are some games that could be played on a Sunday or even a Christmas evening with children or young people.
Games: Small-group games
These games are great to play either in a small-group setting or in a large group, competing as small groups. All of them act as brilliant team-builders, giving each individual in the group a time to bond, become better accustomed to each other’s strengths and cheer one another on in the process! Most of these games require little to no resources, making them perfect to play with children and young people.
Games: Get-to-know-you games
The new term is in full swing and you may see some new faces around your youth and children’s groups. Here are some simple welcome games to help everyone join in and get to know each other.
Games: Summer games
If you’re doing some summer outreach or putting on holiday clubs, then you might have more children or young people than usual and access to larger spaces (or the great outdoors!). These games are ideal for those kind of situations.
Games: Games for large groups
We might not all be blessed with large groups of children or young people, but lots of churches do have big numbers. And, with summer coming up, you might be planning an outreach event such as a holiday club, BBQ or games afternoon. Here are some games that you can put to good use in those contexts!
The Axis of Good and Evil - Games
This month, we look at games. So, activities in the top right will be worth a play, those in the bottom left, less so
Games: Spring games
The weather is getting warmer and the sun is (hopefully) coming out. Let’s take full advantage of God’s beautiful creation and go outside! Grab the sunscreen and first-aid kit and bring on the fun.
Games: Inclusive Games
We all work with a range of children and young people with different abilities and needs. It is therefore hugely important to get to know your group to tailor sessions to their needs - this means playing games where all can feel included and valued. The following guidelines should apply to games for children and young people across a spectrum of abilities:
Games: Residential games
Whether you are going away for a morning, a weekend or even longer, here are some great games to get everyone involved. The first few games take up more time but the ones at the end are some quick and easy games for use in any situation!
Games: Old School Games
With the ‘New Year, New Me’ motto safely left behind in January why not try some updated old school-style games? Like the latest app updates all the main things still work but they are just packaged with slightly fancier trimmings - some seem fully updated but with others you can hardly notice the difference.
Gross Games
It had to happen at some point; every now and then you want to play a game that is grosser than humanly imaginable. A game that you don’t want to tell your church leader about. A game that pushes your young people to the very precipice of human decency. A game where there is a very real chance of a young person rushing out of the room in a desperate attempt to to make it to the bathroom. Here are a few of those games…
Icebreaker games
For the first time I’m going to theme this column by the time of year (by that I mean the time of year this issue claims to be not the time you
actually get it). So let’s pretend it really is September as the front cover claims. Here is the Games Master back-to-school-icebreaker-
slash-get-to-know-you-type-games special!