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It’s not all in the head - Physical activity is really important for the mental and spiritual health of youth and children
In 2024 there were 9.3 million NHS Couch to 5K runs started in the year as people sought to get healthy. I really enjoy physical activity but there are times (especially at the end of a busy day or if it is cold and dark) that dragging myself away from a comfy sofa is quite a challenge. However, one thing I do know is that being active is good for me and I always feel better having chosen to abandon the sofa for exercise.
Playing is good for your kids. Here's how Christian parents and churches can encourage it
Play is a funny thing. Everyone knows intuitively what it is but struggles to define it. It’s fun, but it is also a serious business. We associate it with children but deep-down love it as adults. It comes naturally and yet we seem also to spend a lot of time working at it. Play is a bit of a paradox but before we give up on it lets step back and consider what exactly it is and why it is important.
Why being ‘trauma informed’ is following in the way of Jesus
Sally Hope believes that of all people, Christians should be engaged with those in society who have had a lousy start
It’s time to ‘scrap the cap’ on faith-based schools admissions
Did you have the opportunity to attend a faith-based school?
Off to uni and off God? Helping your child connect with Christians
What helped you settle into a new place?
It’s his first day at High School. How am I going to cope?!
Were your transitions to a new school harder for you, or for your child?
3 ways to make ‘drop off and pick up’ precious times in the term ahead
How valuable were chats with your parents on the journey to school?
I hope your family enjoys success on GCSE results day, but don’t define ‘success’ too narrowly
Did your exam results at 16 define your next steps?
A-level results and life beyond - keeping God at the centre of the drama
How significant were results days for you?
The UN has called for a ban on faith based admissions to schools in England. What do you think?
What were the faith based school options for you?
A third of girls miss school because they dont have access to period products. It’s time to be proactive
How aware are you of this issue?
Over one in ten teens vape. The government needs to crack down and Christian parents need to be alert
Did you ‘try something’ out of curiosity?
As less than half believe Jesus died, this teens’ survey suggests the church has a real task to both educate and evangelise
Do you know a teen who questions the basics about Jesus?
The shocking survey of what 1000 sixth formers believe about sex and relationships. How Christian parents should respond
Do you recall the views about sex from your sixth form days?