All Editorial articles – Page 92

  • Blog

    Fishing for people


    For the first time ever, Youthwork opened up its doors for a one-day writers masterclass. Sixteen youth workers gathered from all corners of the country to share ideas, learn skills and to hone their craft. In the coming weeks we will be posting guest blogs from the attendees – here’s one from Jo Royal.

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    First Word


    The arena was packed and as the lights dimmed the place went berserk. Young girls screamed, middle-aged women fanned themselves with programmes and surly dads looked on unimpressed. I was the only 28-year-old bloke at a Justin Bieber concert. The next couple of hours were pretty strange. The only thing I can compare it to is when I sat among Wigan fans for their FA Cup final win over Man City in 2013: it was the best night of everyone else’s life. 

  • Issues

    Schools’ work: Friendships First


    Dream: think strategically and with vision about our work in schools.

  • Issues

    First impressions


    The worship music strummed to a finish as my son flashed me a wide smile and whispered, ‘I think this is the church I want to go to!’

  • Issues

    First Word


    We all know the story about the boy and the starfish. (Starfi? Starfishes?) It goes something like this: a man surveys a beach where thousands of starfish have been washed up, gasping for life. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of struggling invertebrates in need of rescue, the man resigns himself to doing nothing ...

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    How do you fire a volunteer?


    Sometimes it’s not you, it’s them.

  • Issues

    Finishing Well


    The schools’ work page has taken on a new format. We will be featuring three sections: ‘dream’, ‘develop’ and ‘do’, all themed under one heading. Each box has its own purpose.

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    Hide and Seek: Part Two: Finding You!


    Following on from the last issue’s feature on children’s spirituality, Ronni Lamont looks at what this could practically look like in the day-to-day of our children’s ministry

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    LGBT young people struggle to find support


    A report by LGBT Youth North West has shown that the majority of LGBT young people feel that they don’t receive adequate support from adults in regard to issues surrounding identity and mental health. The survey of 128 LGBT young people (between 15-19 years old) in the North-West of the England also showed that a quarter of them would not feel comfortable talking to any adult about problematic issues.

  • Blog

    My final issue of Youthwork magazine


    Martin Saunders bows out as editor of Youthwork magazine.

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    Filling the gaps


    Are some areas of schoolswork more attractive, and easier to respond to than others? YFC’s Nigel Roberts explores the missing links in Christian schools work, and suggests ways that we can innovatively engage with these areas if we are to have a greater impact in schools.

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    Resident-hell: How God can redeem weekends filled with our worst youth work mistakes


    We’ve all heard stories from young people about a youth weekend or week away that changed their life. For some, it was an integral first step on their journey to find God; for other, it marked the definitive moment they accepted Jesus into their life; for many, it was a significant time of refreshment, recommitment and an opportunity to let God speak into their lives.

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    Ready-to-use Reflective Journal: Fill your mind


    A photocopiable resource.

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    Rise in self-harm figures


    Figures released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre show that reports of self-harm have reached record levels.

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    Modern Slavery:The Fight For Freedom


    Slavery is a global crime with no simple solution. As the Modern Slavery Bill goes through Parliament – what difference will it actually make if passed and what can we do about this forgotten humanitarian crisis? Jamie Cutteridge gives us the lowdown

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    Fifty Shades of Grey


    After a few years on bookshelves, February will see Fifty Shades of Grey hit the silver screen.

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    A Few Good Men


    Have you noticed it too? A glance at almost any children’s ministry shows the involvement of a wealth of female leaders and volunteers, but few – if any – men. Where has this ministry trend stemmed from? How can we turn the tide?

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    How to Survive Festivals


    Six useful tips for surviving festival season, including why you might want to avoid Pot Noodles...and the curse of the sweaty onesie.

  • Issues

    Youthwork’s Festival tips


    Here at Youthwork towers, we like to consider ourselves festival veterans. We’ve been covered in mud, seen luggage float away and found ourselves running into nearby woodland areas to escape from young people. More than that, we are giving people, so here are our top tips to
    survive the festival season and get out in one piece.

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    Smile, it's Festival Season!


    Laura Haddow contemplates the delights of festival season...