All Editorial articles – Page 86
Helping young people respond to terrorism
In recent months we have witnessed a number of horrific terror and ‘lone-wolf’ attacks across the continent of Europe, as well as a number of under-reported terrorist atrocities across the globe. When our young people are bombarded by news of attacks that have happened in places and cities that look very much like their own, this can highlight fear, cause distress and breed uncertainty. How do we help young people process these events? And in the midst of the brokenness, how do we focus on the hope that we find in Jesus?
Heaven and Hell
In his work among young people in some of the world’s most challenging urban areas, Patrick Regan has seen evidence both of the Kingdom of heaven breaking through, and the reality of hell on earth, literally taking hold. As he tells just a few of those stories, he challenges us to take seriously Jesus’ call and example: to love the hell out of young people.
Service: the heartbeat of youth ministry
A year after David Cameron unveiled his Big Society vision, which places community groups at the heart of public service, Andy Burns asks what it might truly mean for us to serve our communities, and suggests how doing so might begin to transform them in ways the Prime Minister never envisaged.
Open up your heart
Recharge is a bible study just for you, to nurture your own relationship with god. So stop, sit, breathe and read. This month, Gerard Kelly looks at resurrection
Jessie J hears the Voice
Pop star Jessie J has revealed that her latest single, ‘Thunder’, is dedicated to God.
Youth Workers and Spiritual Health
40% of employed youth workers ‘struggle’ to worship in their church.
Holistic Health
If someone asked you how healthy you are, how would you answer? Would you think in terms of your physical body?
Sexual Healing
So, how often do you do it, and how do you do it? Not as often as you would like? Or are you bored at just how often you end up doing it? Well if that’s the case you might be the exception to the rule, because ...
Ready-to-use Worship: Letting the World hit you on the head
A few years ago we were running the older youth venue at a big Christian event, and decided to incorporate some prayer for the world in our
evening celebration. Sara stood up to lead the prayer, using an inflatable globe as a prop. At the end of the prayer, she threw it into the crowd. We thought it would be a bit of fun to bop the globe around during the sung worship, and we also wanted the global prayer focus to linger for a while. -
Ready-to-use Mentoring: Straw Polls, Straw Hats and Straw…Berries?
Youth ministry is often earmarked by its use of tenuous links. Making bread is a good one (to lead into talking about what ‘yeast’ we allow to grow and rise in our lives) or having a Nerf gun fight (to introduce the topic of what ‘fiery darts’ we shoot at each other with our speech). It struck me that this approach works well in mentoring too. As many of us meet in cafes, there’s often plastic straws knocking around so here’s ten ideas of discussion starters using straws!
Why I Hate Youth Residentials
For the first time ever, Youthwork opened up its doors for a one-day writers masterclass. Sixteen youth workers gathered from all corners of the country to share ideas, learn skills and to hone their craft. In the coming weeks we will be posting guest blogs from the attendees – here is today’s by Gemma Wilkinson.
Young people now ‘less happy’
Young people’s happiness has dropped significantly in the UK in the last few years, according to a major new report.
When the Worst Happens
The death of a child is an unthinkable tragedy. How do you support a family through the grieving process? Hospital chaplain Reverand Paul Nash gives some starting points.
This picture hangs in my spare room…
Laura Haddow reflects on the gift of memory.A priceless eclectic collage, predominantly of my teenage years, complete with plenty of bad hair mistakes; pink, blue and red, an assortment of festival snapshots...
Redeeming Halloween
October 31st: the date of the year’s most controversial ‘festival’ for many Christians. So should we ignore it, replace it, or try to navigate a path somewhere between the two? Experienced children’s worker Margaret Pritchard-Houston explains her passionately held belief that children need to explore the darkness in order to truly understand the light.
Q&A: Paula Hall
Paula Hall is a former youth worker, who is now a therapist specialising in sex and pornography addictions and is widely recognised as the UK’s leading expert in the field. Paula has recently authored Confronting porn, a comprehensive guide for Christians struggling with porn and churches wanting to help them. She spoke to deputy editor Ruth Jackson about how we can help young people struggling in this area
Q&A with Michael Gungor
Gungor – a folk rock band from the United States – have somehow managed to slip under the radar. Despite being nominated for a Grammy Award, touring all over the place, and being loved by many people in the UK and beyond - they still feel somewhat like an undiscovered gem. Deputy editor Phoebe Thompson caught up with lead singer Michael Gungor at LST in the Park, to talk about his music, growing up in the church and how to foster young people’s musical gifts.