All Editorial articles – Page 80
Ready-to-use Schools work: Love is Sacrifice
As the pupils are coming into assembly give a class worth of pupils a piece of paper with the question, ‘What is love?’ on it, and pens or pencils to scribble down their thoughts.
What we lost in the youth ministry revolution
The Youthwork blog continues with John Allan, a youth worker from Exeter, who draws from a wealth of experience to give his view on re-thinking how we do youth work
Losing my Religion
Statistics suggest that a quarter of young people in the UK have no strong religious persuasion. The phrase ‘nones’ has been coined in recent years to describe this group, a group marked by a general sense of apathy towards all things religious, faith and God. American youth ministry lecturer and researcher Len Kageler explains how nones came to be, the characteristics of their ‘noneness ’ and how we can reach them.
Summertime in London-town
Ayana Witherspoon, an English Literature student from Pepperdine University in Malibu, reflects on her month spent in London, interning at Youthwork HQ.
Loaded Questions
Last month, we were all captivated by Channel 4’s Porn on the brain documentary. The show followed Martin Daubney, former editor of Loaded, as he explored the impact of online pornography on teenage brains. Through the course of the investigation, it was proved for the first time that regular use of pornography can have an addictive effect, similar to that of alcohol or substance abuse. The programme also highlighted one teenager, Callum, whose addiction was shockingly severe. Martin spoke to Youthwork’s Jamie Cutteridge.
National living wage for young people
I was left outraged by Government minister Matthew Hancock’s comments that young people do not deserve to be paid a national living wage. As a 24-year-old who spends his working week coaching unemployed young people back into employment or education, I was left disheartened at Hancock’s remarks that branded workers under the age of 25 not ‘productive’ enough to warrant the living wage proposed by Chancellor George Osborne.
And this Little Piggy had none ...
As budgets are squeezed and funding is cut, we are forced TO do more and more with less and less. How much money is enough for good youth work, and how do you raise an extra few quid? Fresh Expressions’ Kevin Colyer gives some IDEAs
Little platforms
Most people my age wanted to be Alan Shearer or Geri Halliwell; my idol was a then-30-something Greek man with inexplicable clothes and hair
Are you listening?
So often our youth work is busy – there’s a lot do and even more to say. But do we ever stop and listen to our young people; like really, really listen? Philip Eley gives some practical advice, which you really ought to listen to…
Ready-to-use mentoring: Listen up!
The worst mentoring relationship I have ever been in came early on in my mentoring ‘career’ …
Like / unlike
The highs and lows of Team Youthwork’s cultural month in five bite-sized thumbs.
like / unlike
The highs and lows of Team Youthwork’s cultural month in four bite-sized thumbs.
Ready-to-use Reflection: Light of the World
The run-up to Christmas can be a frantic time, with parties, present-buying and incessant jolly music. Give your group space and time to prepare for the ‘coming’ (Adventus) of Jesus by entering into silence, reflection and prayer. After welcoming and noticing each young person, give everyone a stack of sticky notes and a pen. Allow each member of the group to find a space to sit where they are not easily distracted.
My smartphone is ruining my life
A few weeks ago, my life changed dramatically. It was not the significant shift to becoming editor of Youthwork mag (however large and wonderful) which caused this change. Neither was it the sheer drop in temperature or unpredictable weather patterns. It was not even the return of GBBO to our screens.
Ready-to-use Parable: The perfect life
Rachel and Erin both loved spending time putting together photos for Instagram and Snapchatting their friends. They had a bit of a competition going to see who could get the longest streak and the most followers.