All Editorial articles – Page 77
Schools’ work: Moving on up
Over the past few issues we’ve been looking more closely at approaching primary schools for the first time and provided some help and advice on how to approach what might be your first job in a school – an assembly.
Ready-to-use Movie: Paddington
A young bear from the deepest, darkest part of Peru has grown up with a passion for all things British (and marmalade sandwiches). After a terrible storm destroys his home, he travels to London in search of a new family and a place to live.
Ready-to-use Movie: Pitch Perfect
Somehow, despite the fact that Pitch Perfect is based on a university singing competition, a lot of the movie manages to feel fresh among the
Glee copycat onslaught that we’ve all suffered these past few years. -
Ready-to-use Movie: Prisoners
Prisoners is not the sort of film that you watch to unwind. Prisoners is a tense, moody thriller that slowly reveals it’s darker nature as it heads towards its big reveal.
Ready-to-use Movie: Peaceful Protest?
People love a good protest. In fact, some people will protest anything. You can raise taxes, lower taxes, ban hats, encourage short-wearing or introduce compulsory S Club 7 dance routines to the start of the school day, and someone will complain, start a petition and demand that fellow supporters take to the streets and march on the Houses of Parliament.
Mountains and valleys
The holiday clubs are over and the soggy grey weather has returned. Whether you have had a brilliant summer full of spiritual highs or not - it can be hard to return to the normal hum-drum children's work life as September approaches. Alex Taylor shares his own battle with post-holiday club spiritual dryness, and encourages us to recharge our batteries.
Chat through what the grid (right) means, and then ask your mentee to plot themselves on the grid using this -10 to 10 scale:
Spiritual M.O.T.
Youth workers are like cars. Every so often we need to submit ourselves for an M.O.T. Youth work veterans Colin Bennett and Andy du Feu have compiled a ‘Spiritual M.O.T.’ – a regular spiritual check-up - to discern whether you are roadworthy, or in dire need of a little TLC.
Q&A: Rachel Morfin
Rachel Morfin works for TLG – The Education Charity, which supports young people and children in crisis in education. Sam Donoghue meets her at their HQ in Bradford.
Pick of the Month: The Pocket Occupational Therapist
Cara Koscinski, Jessica Kingsley £12.99 - Worth your time - a solid resource
Ready-to-use Movie: Monsters University
The original Pixar classic Monsters Inc. claimed (in its very catchy and Oscar-winning song) ‘I wouldn’t have nothing, if I didn’t have you.’
Ready-to-use Movie: Monsters University
The original Pixar classic Monsters Inc. claimed (in its very catchy and Oscar-winning song) ‘I wouldn’t have nothing, if I didn’t have you.’
Mobilising the village
As youth workers how can we pass on our experience, skills and knowledge to young people, and help others do the same? Youth worker Fraser Keay has started mentoring programs in two churches, and presents a practical guide to doing the same, as well as explaining why this should be a key priority in your youth ministry.