All Editorial articles – Page 76
Pray through the news
Open Doors has launched its annual World Watch List, highlighting the toughest 50 countries to be a Christian. These are the places where beliefs are hidden and where living for Jesus means facing beatings, imprisonment, discrimination and abuse.
Schools work: A new start
Can you remember your first day at secondary school? I recall creeping nervously into the main hall at my new school, looking around for some of my friends from primary school. We were put into forms and trooped out of that cavernous room off to different parts of the building. The next day I got so lost in the school that I ended up being late for registration!
Schools’ work: The start of a new year
In the next few issues, we’ll be providing you with assembly outlines to help children explore some more unusual passages from the Bible. By this, I don’t mean we’re going to base a session on the genealogies at the start of 1 Chronicles or try to explain the imagery in Revelation. Rather, there is real value to be found when we go further than the more widely used stories such as David, Daniel, Jonah, the lost son and the Good Samaritan. The Bible is full of rich treasure for children to discover, so let’s open it up to them!
Negative Stereotypes of Young People
Last month we reported that negative stereotypes of young people in the media were harming their job prospects. Young people rarely have a voice in newspapers, magazines, or TV, but when they do, such depictions broadly fit into the following, grossly sensationalised and extreme, categories:
The Real Nativity
What does the Bible actually say about Jesus’ birth? Ian White encourages us to look again.
Returning to Narnia
I haven't blogged since Youthwork the Conference back in November, and I put that down to SO much happening. As you're reading this you may (if you're a Youthwork magazine subscriber) be looking at the result of months of hard work from the editorial team and our designers. Twin that with a new website and I think I've pretty much excused myself!
Ready-to-use Worship: Multi-sensory Worship
When the apostle John starts his first letter, he begins by establishing that his message is not just a collection of thoughts or an intellectual concept. He describes it as that: ‘Which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched’ (1 John 1:1).
Re-Charge: The Tough Mudder
Re-Charge is a Bible study just for you, to nurture your own relationship with God. So stop, sit, breathe and read. This month, Danielle Strickland reflects on her Tough Mudder experience.