All Editorial articles – Page 69

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    The schools’ work page has taken on a new format. We will be featuring three sections: ‘dream’, ‘develop’ and ‘do’, all themed under one heading. Each box has its own purpose.

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    A selection from the latest batch

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    Training with a Twist


    Already done youthwork training, or don’t have the time to do a full course? Here’s a list of some of the additional training opportunities out there, to add extra tools to your youthwork armoury

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    theAscent is a three year, Catholic discipleship process for 15-18 year olds. Launched in 2013

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    Our regular resource for incorporating spiritual practices into your work with children, from Ian Adams and Carolyn Edwards

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    Ten things to visit in Tonbridge


    Ahead of the Youth Work Summit on 20th June in Tonbridge, we thought we’d move away from our specialism of youth work into the realm of travel journalism (of which we have no experience at all). 

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    Two thousand teens attend cross-cultural gathering

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    Jamie Cutteridge reflects on his year as intern at Youthwork mag.

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    The Vicissitudes of the Vestibular System


    Messy Church founder Lucy Moore learns from her travel sickness.

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    Youth Work Survey A


    163 Youth Workers surveyed

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    Youth Survey


    293 young people surveyed

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    Youth Survey


    We want to hear what you think about faith and Church. Why not fill out this form and have your say? Simply answer the questions below and
    send them back to us to be in with the chance of winning a back catalogue of Soul Survivor albums – plus a signed copy of Beth Croft’s
    new album Rule In My Heart. For the more technologically inclined, it is also possible to fill out the survey online at
    youthsurvey. Lovely.

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    Supporting youth work


    Without guidance and help from leaders, mentors and peers, our youth work can go badly awry in the long term. Experienced youth work adviser Pete Maidment explores the vital subject of supervision, looking practically at three key areas in which we can allow others to support and speak into our lives and our work with young people.

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    Student-powered Youth Work


    With the cost of university education rising out of reach for many young people, and workers still relatively few in the harvest-field of youth ministry, Paul Franklin casts a vision for a new kind of mutually-beneficial partnership between churches and students.

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    Voluntary vs state youth work


    When I took a course in Youth and Community Studies, one of the first ways that pupils pigeonholed each other was to identify who came from the state sector and who came from the voluntary sector. A few days into the course there was much confessing of assumptions and misunderstandings from both sides. People admitted to many broken preconceptions. I’d had my own. I’d felt that state youth work was dry, bureaucratic and unadventurous. Some people in state youth work confessed to fears that youth workers in the voluntary sector were untrained enthusiasts or religious fanatics.

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    The state of things


    Obviously, the cultural landscape young people are living in is constantly shifting – so what do we actually know? We dug into some research to get a better idea…

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    Star Wars


    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

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    A summer of sport!


    Can it really be four years since the London Olympics? Well, yes, actually it is. Check the calendar. See! But that does mean that Rio is nearly here and Olympic fever is about to hit us again. While the hype may not quite match 2012 and the timings of the big events might mean watching in the middle of the night, we can still join in the fun. And, there are some new sports to pretend we know everything about: 

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    A year without sport


    The 1st of January was one of the greatest days of my life. I’ve never been a massive fan of New Year – in fact most years I am to Hogmanay what Scrooge is to Christmas – I go to bed early and try to sleep through the gunpowder explosions going off outside my bedroom window. 2016 was different because, for me, 2015 was different. 2015 was a year without sport.

  • Issues



    THE SUMMER IS HERE! The sun is out! Ice cream is readily available! Flip-flops are socially acceptable! Sport is… everywhere! Yes, the summer of sport has arrived, and with both football’s European Championships and the Olympics in Rio, this is no time to enjoy the delights of this country’s beautiful outdoors... grab a drink, get the best seat on the sofa and fix your eyes on the goggle box. Here’s the Premier Youthwork guide to surviving the summer of sport…