All Editorial articles – Page 62

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    Parable: Pocket Rocket


    Tom cradled his new purchase in his hands. He could barely believe he had got his hands on one. At the launch three days ago, journalists, tech experts and big businesses had been clamouring to buy this revolutionary gadget. And now, by some fluke, he’d been able to buy one.

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    Mentoring: Kindness


    Interestingly, as I was thinking about writing about kindness this month, I ended up in a conversation with my 12-year-old daughter about a lonely lad at her youth group, and whether it was her responsibility to look out for him if he was sitting on his own. As a year-eight, life is hard enough already just trying to fit in - is going out of her way for others actually her job? 

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    Justice: Pepsi vs protest


    What are children and young people in your church talking about? This generation will change the world. They’re savvy creators, globally connected, with a heart for the global neighbours. Your job as youth and children’s workers is more important than ever. 

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    Will my pets be in heaven?


    The Bible is full of passages which show us how much God cares about animals. In the story of Noah, the animals’ safety is a huge priority for God. They are also included in the promise and special relationship (covenant) which God makes with Noah and his family after the flood. Does this mean that when the end of the world comes, animals will be saved again?

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    Games: Spring games


    The weather is getting warmer and the sun is (hopefully) coming out. Let’s take full advantage of God’s beautiful creation and go outside! Grab the sunscreen and first-aid kit and bring on the fun.

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    Samewise: Spiritual flashes and red herrings


    I almost had one of those conversations the other day. You know one of those chats that we dread; the ones that starts when an older member of the congregation asks if they can talk to you about the children’s work. I say almost because while the conversation began with that phrase, it took an unexpected turn. 

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    Reflective Journal: My day as worship


    A photocopiable resource.

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    Reflective Journal: My day as worship


    A photocopiable resource.

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    Craft: Passover


    The story of the first Passover, as God’s people prepare to leave Egypt, is full of powerful imagery. Here are some crafts to help children to explore the rich themes of what unfolds.

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    The gap year that changed my life


    Gap years play a massive role in so many faith journeys, helping people learn new skills, create lasting relationships and understand important truth. Here are some transformative gap year stories…

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    Faith at home

    A story for home: Moses and the not-burning bush


    Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God-time during your day. Enjoy pulling the different faces and making the sound effects together. You could also use this story during a children’s session, using the actions as they are written here, with everyone sitting down, or making the actions bigger, standing and / or walking around the room as you do them.

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    Faith at home

    Forming faith rituals: Faith with the things around you


    It’s sometimes easy to feel that to do faith at home we need lots of resources and materials. I’m very into having specific items to do faith at home activities. I love my Godly Play sets for sharing Bible stories and playing with as we explore where we are in the stories. However, I believe that most of us already have everything we need to get started, and as we go we can add the things we need. Once we get going, it’s easier to see what resources will really be most useful to us. So, here are some of my ideas on how we can use what we already have at home to do faith at home.

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    Faith at home

    Self-esteem: “I am not enough”


    In a world full of pressures and stresses, how do we give children and young people the tools to build up a healthy level of self-esteem? The girls’ brigade’s Claire Rush has some ideas

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    All-age service: Excuses, excuses


    Meeting aim: To discover that God rescued his people.

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    The Promised Land: Session 4


    Meeting aim: To understand the importance of God saving his people in Egypt.

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    The Promised Land: Session 4


    Meeting aim: To explore the trustworthiness of God and his promises.

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    The Ten Commandments: Session 3


    Meeting aim: To consider why God gave rules to his people and how they still help us today.

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    The Ten Commandments: Session 3


    Meeting aim: To explore how to live God’s way.

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    Faith at home

    Faith at home News - May 2017


    A round up of the month's news.

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    The Passover: Session 2


    Meeting aim: To discover how God set his people free