All Editorial articles – Page 60
The patronising explanations for young people backing Labour is exactly why they rejected the status quo
Premier Youth and Children's Work editor Jamie Cutteridge reflects on the 2017 general election results.
Resources to help with Father's Day
Ahead of Father’s Day, Natalie Collins shares how we can avoid stereotypes and be more sensitive on Father’s Day.
Mentoring: Goodness
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver. “Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Games: Games for large groups
We might not all be blessed with large groups of children or young people, but lots of churches do have big numbers. And, with summer coming up, you might be planning an outreach event such as a holiday club, BBQ or games afternoon. Here are some games that you can put to good use in those contexts!
Can you prove God exists?
Can you prove that God exists? Well, that depends what you mean by ‘prove’. True proof only exists in maths. I can prove 2 + 2 = 4, but even scientists need a certain amount of ‘faith’. In order to ‘do’ science, they have to believe there is order to the world - that things will react in a certain way because forces, such as gravity, are at work.
Craft: David and Goliath
The story of David and Goliath is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible, so it’s easy to get caught in well-worn grooves when thinking of crafts to use when telling it. Here are some ideas to help children explore the story from some different angles!
Justice: Church vs Hunger
What are children and young people in your church talking about? This generation will change the world. They’re savvy creators, globally connected, with a heart for the global neighbours. Your job as youth and children’s workers is more important than ever
Parable: Jamie’s big mistake
Jamie sat outside the headteacher’s office. His knuckles were bloodied from the punch he’d thrown earlier. He knew he shouldn’t have done it, but Matt had it coming. He was so cocky, so arrogant. And what he’d said about Jamie’s mum was the last straw. It had felt good to land a fist on that mocking face, followed by a knee to the chest.
The Axis of Good and Evil - Games
This month, we look at games. So, activities in the top right will be worth a play, those in the bottom left, less so
From the horse’s mouth: “You get pushed out from cool youth work into boring adult stuff”
Dani and Rachel met through youth work but have become friends after a long time knowing each other. Rachel started going to Dani’s church as a child and is now there as an adult. They talk about Rachel’s journey in and out of church. Dani Knox is a YFC centre director.
Solomon: Session 4
Meeting aim: To explore God’s feelings about our motivations and his desire to dwell with us.
Solomon: Session 4
Meeting aim: To explore what King Solomon thought he needed most to be a good king and how God gave him far more. God is a wise and generous God.
King David: Session 3
Meeting aim: To hear how David made Jerusalem his capital city and discovered that – God is not just in one place at any one time - God is everywhere.