All Editorial articles – Page 55
Christmas: Session 2
Meeting aim: To explore the biblical Christmas narrative and celebrate this story.
Prophets foretell the Messiah: Session 1
Meeting aim: To explore some of the ancient prophecies and how Jesus fulfilled these.
Prophets foretell the Messiah: Session 1
Meeting aim: To discover that God was going to send a special saviour.
9 top tips for children starting school for the very first time
As we gear up for the start of term, how can we make sure our 4 and 5 years olds have a smooth beginning?
Faith at home
Parenting in a world of screens
My alarm went off at 6.30am as usual, heralding a new day. I fumbled for the phone so I could swipe the screen; the slumber function would give me a welcome ten more minutes in bed before the day began. As well as waking me in the morning, my smartphone will be my trusted companion throughout the day.
Faith at home
Forming faith rituals: Rites of passage
This year, we camped overlooking the sea. One of the things I loved was how the view changed every hour, every day. The coastline was littered with massive rocks, with incredible variance of how many were visible depending on the tide. The only thing that remained the same were the buoys. These floating plastic markers showed the fishermen who had placed them exactly where their lobster pots were positioned. It made me think about markers in our life; things we intentionally lay down to mark something important, places we can go back to no matter how much our life-landscape changes.
What do you do when you realise you’re not worthy to lead children and young people?
What do Emma Watson, Sheryl Sandberg and Tom Hanks all have in common? Aside from being incredibly famous, rich, successful and almost universally loved, they all confess to suffering with huge feelings of self-doubt. Hanks calls it "a high-wire act that we all walk". Watson says she feels incredibly uncomfortable when she receives recognition for her acting and adds: "I just turn in on myself. I feel like an imposter." Sandberg, one of the most successful businesswomen in history, says: "There are still days when I wake up feeling like a fraud, not sure I should be where I am." And these are the brightest and the best. Any of their words sound familiar to you?
Faith at home
A story for home: The Bethlehem box
Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God-time during your day. You can break this story up and tell it part by part, or tell it all at once! You could use this story during a children’s session or adapt it into a nativity play for December.
Calling all amateur script writers...
Would you consider yourself a bit of a drama queen (or king)? Do you have a heart for the arts? Do you long to see your writing performed on stage for all to see?
From the Horse's Mouth: "We’re a bit unsure about each other’s worlds”
Gareth Crispin is the youth, children and families minister for a church in Cheshire. He’s also studying for a PhD in family ministry and intergenerational church, and co-wrote (with Ed Mackenzie) Together with God: An introduction to family worship. Gareth interviewed Emma, a 16-year-old in his youth group, about how generations in the church might integrate better with each other.
Schools Works: Refocusing our work
Dream: think strategically and with vision about our work in schools.
How could a good God send people to hell?
Some people don’t believe in God. Others think that that if God is real, he’s not nice. One reason for this is the idea of hell. How can someone nice send people to hell?
Mentoring: Gentleness
Imagine this: she looked at me with horrible disdain in her face and threw my artwork down on the desk. “What is this rubbish? My nana could have drawn better than this and she’s blind. Do it again. You can do so much better than this - come on!”
Water Games
Water games are a fun way to cool off in hot weather with groups of children and young people. If the weather stays balmy into September, head outside so everyone can have fun getting soaked!
YCW Investigates: Ordinary Christians
As a teenage football fan of a team 250 miles away from my home, it was much easier to get to watch them play when they visited local clubs nearer to home. This meant countless experiences of wearing jumpers over my replica kit to hide it from rival fans who wouldn’t have been best pleased to see me infiltrating their stadium.