All Editorial articles – Page 51
Exciting Catholic youth event in Liverpool
What do over 2,000 young Scousers, Franciscan sisters and RISEtheatre have in common? They will all be at Embrace Liverpool!
From darkness to light
With pumpkins, trick or treating and scary costumes everywhere, Jane Howarth explores a brighter alternative
Join Ben Woodman, host of the new Alpha Youth Series, for breakfast!
Want to encourage your children to share their faith? Looking for an evangelistic course to share with young people? Youth Alpha is here to help
Children dropping out of church?
Ali Campbell from The Resource takes a look at recent Church of England statistics to see what it means for our children and young people
Good Friday: Session 3
Meeting aim: To listen to the whole story of Jesus’ arrest, trial, crucifixion and burial (with some omissions) so that the children can see how it all fits together.
Nine everyday products you never knew were made by slaves
We know that children and young people have an acute sense of justice. Molly Hodson from International Justice Mission looks at how we can help them to make a difference…
Jesus teaches: Session 2
Meeting aim: To connect the children with the story of Jesus’ last meal with his friends, which every church celebrates regularly, although children may or may not be participants.
No child is unadoptable
Last week was National Adoption Week and Premier Youth and Children’s Work spoke to Tom Rutter, school chaplain and founder of Christian football charity Kick London about adoption
Parable: Matt and the missing juggernaut
Matt put down his brush and looked at the final juggernaut. It was perfect - the snarl, the threatening stance - and it was his best painting job by far, not that the other nine were amateurish. He hadn’t dared to imagine how great they would look when he bought the ten juggernaut figures for his Warhammer collection.
Games: Small-group games
These games are great to play either in a small-group setting or in a large group, competing as small groups. All of them act as brilliant team-builders, giving each individual in the group a time to bond, become better accustomed to each other’s strengths and cheer one another on in the process! Most of these games require little to no resources, making them perfect to play with children and young people.
YCW Investigates: Religious education
Across society, you won’t find many calling for an end to the teaching of religious education in schools. Even renowned atheist Richard Dawkins once said: “I don’t think religious education should be abolished. I think it is an important part of our culture to know about the Bible, after all so much of English literature has allusions to the Bible.”
Faith at home
A story for home: Easter
Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God-time during your day. You can break this story up and tell it verse by verse, or tell it all at once. You might want to tell it every so often over the next few months up to Easter-time, so that your children grow familiar with the Easter story. You could also use this in a children’s session.
Gardner’s World: Dream on
Have you ever heard someone talk about that moment when they are suddenly reminded of why they do what they do? In my experience, it is always told with a wistful smile and a faraway look in the eye, pointing to the idea that when you remember why it is that you do what you do, you feel nice.
If ‘God is love’, why are there so many natural disasters?
Recently, we’ve seen hurricanes annihilate towns, earthquakes devastate communities and floods kill thousands across the world. Even for hardcore believers, these heartbreaking circumstances raise questions about the goodness of God. Surely someone so ‘loving’ wouldn’t allow such awful things to happen?