All Editorial articles – Page 50
Craft: New heaven, new Earth
The book of Revelation is one of the most image-rich books of the Bible, and Revelation 21:1-8 and 22:12-21 are full of language about a new heaven and Earth, and what it will be like there. These craft ideas will help children explore some of the key themes of the passage in a hands-on, visual way.
Faith at home
Fostering Faith at Christmas
As it’s nearly Christmas, Alex Taylor looks at what we can do to help children celebrate this important festival in our homes
Games: Christmas games
’Tis the season to be jolly! FALALALALALALALALA! It’s that time of year when we plan for Christmas fun and get excited about food and presents. Here are some games that could be played on a Sunday or even a Christmas evening with children or young people.
The Big Picture: Youth and children’s work goes digital
At the eleventh Premier Digital Awards, we were delighted to see a huge portion of the accolades awarded to youth and children’s work champions:
All-age service: Pentecost power!
Meeting aim: To think about how the Holy Spirit changes lives.
New heaven, new Earth: Session 4
Meeting aim:To look at how God is going to make everything new again.
Jesus will return: Session 3
Meeting aim: To see what the Bible says about how Jesus will come again.
First Word - December 2017
Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year. Chestnuts are roasting on an open fire, there’s a sparkling white sheet of snow covering rolling hills and that product we’ve coveted all year is waiting for us under the tree.
The early Church: Session 2
Meeting aim:To discover how the early Church met together and reached out to others.
The early Church: Session 2
Meeting aim: To see the way the early Church lived and worshipped together.
Call for under-18s’ records to be wiped
I am joining MPs in calling for a ‘relaxation’ to the law around the disclosure of childhood convictions. Currently, unless specified, these do not have to be divulged once the convictions have been spent. But this isn’t enough.
Ascension and Pentecost: Session 1
Meeting aim: To discover who the Holy Spirit is and how he helps us.
Praise to the God who... A worship song by and for youth workers
We were looking forward to it for weeks and sure enough, the National Youth Ministry Weekend didn’t disappoint.
Lest we forget
As we enter a season of remembrance, Ruth Jackson reflects on the importance of helping even our youngest children remember.
Youth Work Week: congratulations you wonderful people!
This week is Youth Work Week, where we celebrate all the life-changing stuff you wonderful people do for our young people. You are the unsung heroes, hope bringers and prophetic innovators.
Helping children navigate the digital world
What age should we give our child a mobile phone? How do we help teenagers protect themselves from cyberbullying? Should we limit young people’s social media use? We have so many questions about the digital world. Where do we even begin to answer them? The Premier Digital conference is a good start…