All Editorial articles – Page 48
Light of the world
Meeting aim: To discover what Jesus meant when he said: “I am the light of the world.”
Good Shepherd
Meeting aim: To explore what Jesus meant when he said: “I am the good shepherd.”
Bread of life
Meeting aim: To encourage children to explore the ways in which Jesus satisfies our deepest needs.
Bread of life
Meeting aim: To discover what Jesus meant when he said: “I am the bread of life.”
How high is word of the year ‘youthquake’ on the Richter scale?
The Oxford English Dictionary has announced ‘Youthquake’ as word of the year for 2017. The term, defined as: “a significant cultural, political, or social change arising from the actions or influence of young people" joins ‘selfie’ and ‘post-truth’ as the linguistic sign of the times. But how much has this so-called political meteorological phenomenon affected our landscape? And what does the Church have to learn from it when engaging teenagers?
Guest Column: Success is not a destination
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It was the question I was prepped and ready to answer as a child. The answer changed as I got older: first a vet, then a lift operator, then a coffee server in a hospital and, finally, a doctor.
Light of the world
Meeting aim: To encourage the children to apply this verse to their own lives and to the world around them.
Good shepherd
Meeting aim: To give the children the opportunity to explore what a shepherd does, why Jesus is a good shepherd, and how to apply this to their lives.
Good shepherd
Meeting aim: To discover what Jesus meant when he said: “I am the good shepherd.”
Mentoring: Fear, hope and love
I was blessed by my 3-year-old daughter’s bedtime story last night. Each page had a different scene and ended with the phrase: “God knows all about me.” I was struck by how the answer to our fears is so often in knowing the closeness of God and the love he has for us.
Craft: I am the true vine
Jesus’ speech in John 15:1-17 about being the true vine is full of imagery and has so many themes to explore creatively. Based on this passage, these crafts look specifically at ideas of ‘branches’, ‘fruit’ and ‘remaining in’ Jesus.
All-age service: Bread of life
Meeting aim: To discover that Jesus satisfies more than just our hunger.
Light of the world
Meeting aim: To discover what Jesus meant when he said: “I am the light of the world.”
Faith at home
Story for home: The good shepherd
Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God-time during your day. Enjoy making the sound effects together! You could also use this as part of a children’s session.
Faith at home
Forming faith rituals: Even the very youngest
I never wanted to work with the under-5s. I preferred children who were toilet-trained, and could walk and talk. As a person who loves reading and writing, I found it hard to relate to these tiny bundles of mess who didn’t seem to have a handle on the basics of life.