All Editorial articles – Page 41

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    Reflective Journal: From moonscape to glory


    A photocopiable resource.

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    Games: Football (ish) games


    The World Cup is almost upon us, so why not play some footie inspired games? If your group isn’t into the beautiful game, just kick off those summer vibes!

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    Craft: Jesus and the fishermen


    The story of Jesus calling the fishermen to follow him and become fishers of people is rich in imagery and lends itself to a range of craft activities. The following ideas explore the story’s themes of community, discipleship and, of course, fish!

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    Mind the Gap


    Many young people take a year out after school or university. Some spend that time serving a church, others join a gap year programme in the UK or abroad. But are these internships and gap years life-changing experiences or is it just glorified cheap labour?

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    How to stop video games ruining your child’s life


    As parents grow more and more wary of computer games, family gaming expert Andy Robertson explains the vision behind his new book TamingGaming.

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    The broken road to Grenfell


    A year ago, on 14th June 2017, a devastating fire ripped through a west London tower block, tragically killing more than 71 people. Youth worker Jamie Sewell shares his experience

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    All-age service: Jesus and the fishermen


    Meeting aim:To explore what it means to follow Jesus.

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    Are you on the brink of burnout?


    This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week has a focus on stress. Two thirds of us experience mental health problems in our lifetime and the main culprit is stress. SueMonckton-Rickett shares a few ways we can avoid burning out in our ministry

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    Everything I learnt about community, I learnt from football


    Let’s get this out of the way at the start: World Cup month is the highlight of every four-year period. Yes, England will crash out, probably in embarrassing fashion, but to be honest who cares? Because once the emotional investment is tossed aside we get to watch multiple games a day featuring the best teams on the planet. Absolute bliss.

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    Is anxiety destroying our young people?


    As the Mental Health Foundation marks out Mental Health Awareness week, Ralph Buckingham explores why anxiety may be the biggest mental health issue our young people face.  

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    Is your youth work damaging teachers?


    Tom Wade gives the inside scoop on how to support teachers on National Teacher Appreciation day

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    What has Star Wars got to do with youth and children's work?


    Tim Gough admits his deep love of Star Wars and shares what it can teach us about relevance and authenticity. May the fourth be with you friends.  

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    The Windrush Scandal is hurting young people’s mental health


    HMS Windrush brought many young workers from the Caribbean over to Britain at a time when workers were desperately needed. They were greeted with racism and the recent scandal shows that little appears to have changed. Nathan Dennis from First Class Legacy shares how this is affecting our young people

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    Do you feel guilty about failing your children?


    Freelance writer Claire Musters explores how parents can help children improve their vocabulary without piling guilt on their own heads.

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    Faith at home

    Forming faith rituals: Do ministry together


    I spoke at our church’s Easter Sunday service. It was an ‘all together’ service, so all the chil­dren were present from babies upwards, including my own. In part it was brilliant to have them there, but in part it was really tricky. Why?

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    Back in my secondary school days, I was responsible for leading the Christian Union. Each week we would gather – a random collection of ten or so young people from across various school years – to spend a chunk of our lunch break playing games, sharing food and having group discussions. 

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    Faith at home

    King Saul’s caught short


    Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a ‘God time’ during your day. Introduce the story by telling everyone that it is a whispering-shouting story, so you will tell them when and what to whisper, and when and what to shout. You could also use it as part of a children’s session.

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    An apologist’s response


    I want to commend Phoebe and her team for their research on this topic. Their findings are informative, but not completely surprising in light of my experience of working with young people – even those with a strong Christian upbringing. The article stimulates three wider considerations for understanding the faith of children and young people.

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    Prince Harry thinks young people are the answer


    As Prince Harry is appointed Commonwealth youth ambassador, his highest-profile public role to date, editor Ruth Jackson encourages us to reflect on how we can encourage and challenge our children and young people.

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