All Editorial articles – Page 152
Stranger danger, 2015
If we are serious about safeguarding children we must not be ignorant of how and by whom children are abused.
Training courses for 2015 / 2016
We have compiled this information with the help of David Howell, a consultant in youth work and ministry. He also runs the website which brings together details of the majority of courses available. We have tried to ensure that all details are accurate at the time of press and we apologise for any courses missing. For further details on these courses and postgraduate options, including the costs, mode of study, and contact details – please visit
Apr / May 2014 Book Reviews
Pull-out Noah, Asperkids, Sunday DIY, Messy Church and Wiggly Waggly Worm
News In Brief - June 2014
Spring harvest keep to investSpring Harvest announced that it kept 90 per cent of the offerings from this year’s festivals, in order to keep their work going. The event, which is part of the group that organises Youthwork the Conference, has historically used offerings to fund the work of other ...
Youth Work Summit 2014 - A review
What a day, what a weekend. It’s hard to distil the still-processing thoughts into a few hundred words, but that is what the internet is for, so let’s give it a go.
Details for 2014 Youthwork Summit announced
Kenda Creasy Dean and Shane Claibourne will speak at the 2014 Youthwork Summit in Manchester.